[cstex] EuroBachoTeX 2007 and you...

Jerzy B. Ludwichowski Jerzy.Ludwichowski at uni.torun.pl
Wed Mar 14 15:20:13 CET 2007

Remember EuroBachoTeX 2007? The Call(s) for Papers?
The Invitation (if not, see the link, below)?

What can you do to make it a success?

Register and come!

Advertise (poster available, see the link, below)!

Give a paper (late submissions still accepted)!

Earn praise from other TeXies!

Enjoy the unique surroundings and fellow TeXies's company!

For details (and poster) see:

Note: If you are experiencing a "UnicodeEncodeError" accessing the
site, set your browser's language to "en" (English) or "de" (German).  

You are indispensable there!

See you soon!

Jerzy Ludwichowski
(for the Organizing Committee)

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