Mslovak.sty od Martina Holleho

Rajnakova Viera rajnak at
Fri Dec 8 11:28:45 CET 1995

Zdravim vsetkych,

	posielam Vam na posudenie "Riesenie pisania diakritickych znamienok
v slovencine od Martina Holleho". Momentalne sa nachadza na Univerzite v Stutt-
garte a pise v slovencine diplomovu pracu. Rad by sa s Vami podelil o svoje
skusenosti i trapenia s LaTeXom. Nie na vsetko mu viem odpovedat. Moje skuse-
nosti s TeXom su male. Chcela by som poprosit kompetentnych, aby mu zodpovedali
otazku ohladne pristupu do tejto konferencie, aby som mu nepovedala malo ani

	Dakujem vopred

Viera Rajnakova

********************************************************************************                              Viera Rajnakova
                          rajnak at

>From may3 at Fri Dec  8 10:16:29 1995
Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with SMTP id KAA12799 for <rajnak at cvt.s
From: may3 at
Received: from by with SMTP id AA00853
  (5.67b/IDA-1.5 for <rajnak at>); Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:15:52 +0100
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	id AA26512; Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:13:21 +0100
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:13:21 +0100
Message-Id: <9512080913.AA26512 at dame>
To: rajnak at
In-Reply-To: <199512080851.JAA12139 at> (message from Rajnakova Viera on Fri, 8 Dec 95 9:51:28 MET)
Subject: Re: Uvodzovky
Status: RO


	vdaka za pozitivne ohlasy, pomohlo.
	Posielm ti moj mslovak.sty.  Ide o mo"znos"t, ako p'isa"t
m"ak"cene, d'l"zne, vok'a"n nad o a dve bodky nad a tak, ako je to v
tejto vete.  Zvaz prosim, ci to moze byt aktualne, ci take nieco uz
niekde existuje a ak sa ti to bude zdat dostatocne zaujimave, daj
vediet ostatnym.
	BTW: co by som musel splnat, aby som mohol do toho listu?


%% mslovak.sty
%% martin at
%% ver 0.2 neoficialna
%% Zalozene na subore z babelu od Jany Chlebikovej
%% Tento .sty subor poskytuje moznost pisat dlzne, maekcene a vokan v
%% slovencine a cestine (ak som nezabudol na nejaky znak) takym
%% sposobom, ako pisu nemci Umlaut.  To znamen'a asi tak'ym sp"osobom,
%% ako je nap'isan'a t'ato veta.  "Dalej s'u implementovan'e slovensk'e
%% 'uvodzovky ako makro \uv{text}.  Tento subor som napisal, lebo
%% pisem diplomku (v Nemecku) po slovensky a cesta cez \' a \" sa mi
%% zdala nepohodlna
%% Vyzaduje: LaTex 2e s T1 rozsirenim a s babel balikom
%% Pouzitie v .tex subore:
%% :
%% \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
%% \usepackage{./mslovak}
%% :
%% v momentalnom adresari musi byt tento subor
%% ' pred pismenom znamena d'l"ze"n
%% " pred pismenom znamena m"ak"ce"n, v"ok'a"n, alebo dve bodky.
%% Zname problemy:
%% \tt font robi u mna problemy (lebo nie je nainstalovany vo
%% velkosti, ktory pouzivam)
%% nad pouzitim obycajneho LaTeXu som sa nezamyslal, jadnak sa v nom
%% nevyznam (podobne ako v LaTeXu 2e), jednak som spokojny s tym , ako
%% bezi teraz

%% Tento subor je pozliepany z rad od Romana Pichnu, Jany Chlebikovej,
%% Viery Rajnakovej a Josefa Kroba.
%% Vdaka.

\ProvidesFile{slovak.sty} [Slovak support from the babel system by
Martin Holly and Roman Pichna] \ifx\undefined\captionsslovak \else
\selectlanguage{slovak} \expandafter\endinput \fi
\chardef\atcatcode=\catcode`\@ \catcode`\@=11\relax
\ifx\undefined\babel at core@loaded\input babel.def\relax\fi
\ifx\undefined\originalTeX \let\originalTeX\empty \else\originalTeX\fi
\ifx\undefined\l at slovak \@nopatterns{Slovak} \adddialect\l at slovak0\fi
  \def\listfigurename{Zoznam obr\'azkov}%
  \def\listtablename{Zoznam tabuliek}%
  \def\tablename{Tabu\v lka}%%% special letter l with hook
  \def\partname{\v{C}as\v t}%%% special letter t with hook
  \def\seename{vi\v d}%%%  Special letter d with hook
  \def\alsoname{vi\v d tie\v z}%%%  Special letter d with hook
  \def\proofname{D\^ okaz}%
janu\'ara\or febru\'ara\or marca\or apr\'{\i}la\or m\'aja\or j\'una\or
  j\'ula\or augusta\or septembra\or okt\'obra\or
  novembra\or decembra\fi
    \space \number\year}}

\initiate at active@char{'}
\initiate at active@char{"}

\addto\extrasslovak{\bbl at activate{'}}
\addto\extrasslovak{\bbl at activate{"}}

  \babel at savevariable{\lccode`\^^Y}%

\addto\extrasslovak{\babel at save\q\let\q\v}
\main at language{slovak}


\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'a}{\textormath{\a'{a}}{\ddot a}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'A}{\textormath{\a'{A}}{\ddot A}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"a}{\textormath{\"{a}}{\ddot a}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"A}{\textormath{\"{A}}{\ddot A}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"c}{\textormath{\v{c}}{\ddot c}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"C}{\textormath{\v{C}}{\ddot C}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"d}{\textormath{\v d}{\ddot c}}
%\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"d}{\textormath
%  {{d\negthinspace'\negthinspace\negthinspace\phantom{:}}}{\ddot d}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"D}{\textormath{\v{D}}{\ddot D}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'e}{\textormath{\a'{e}}{\ddot e}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'E}{\textormath{\a'{E}}{\ddot E}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"e}{\textormath{\v{e}}{\ddot e}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"E}{\textormath{\v{E}}{\ddot E}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'i}{\textormath{\a'{\i}}{\ddot i}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'I}{\textormath{\a'{I}}{\ddot I}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"l}{\textormath{\v l}{\ddot l}}
%\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"l}{\textormath
%  {l\negthinspace'\negthinspace\negthinspace\phantom{:}}{\ddot \imath}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"L}{\textormath{\v L}{\ddot L}}
%\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"L}{\textormath{L\negthinspace\negthinspace'\null}{\ddot L}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'l}{\textormath{\a'{l}}{\ddot l}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'L}{\textormath{\a'{L}}{\ddot L}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"n}{\textormath{\v{n}}{\ddot n}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"N}{\textormath{\v{N}}{\ddot N}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'o}{\textormath{\a'{o}}{\ddot o}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'O}{\textormath{\a'{O}}{\ddot O}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"o}{\textormath{\^{o}}{\ddot o}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"O}{\textormath{\^{O}}{\ddot O}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'r}{\textormath{\a'{r}}{\ddot r}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'R}{\textormath{\a'{R}}{\ddot R}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"r}{\textormath{\v{r}}{\ddot r}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"R}{\textormath{\v{R}}{\ddot R}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"s}{\textormath{\v{s}}{\ddot s}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"S}{\textormath{\v{S}}{\ddot S}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"t}{\textormath{\v t}{\ddot t}}
%\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"t}{\textormath
%  {t\negthinspace'\negthinspace\negthinspace\phantom{,}}{\ddot t}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"T}{\textormath{\v{T}}{\ddot T}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'u}{\textormath{\a'{u}}{\ddot u}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'U}{\textormath{\a'{U}}{\ddot U}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'y}{\textormath{\a'{y}}{\ddot y}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{'Y}{\textormath{\a'{Y}}{\ddot Y}}

\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"z}{\textormath{\v{z}}{\ddot z}}
\declare at shorthand{slovak}{"Z}{\textormath{\v{Z}}{\ddot Z}}

\catcode`\@=\atcatcode \let\atcatcode\relax

%% \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}

%% End of file `slovak.ldf'.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-  Martin Holly, may3 at  -=-=-=-=-=-=-
=-  Allmandring I, Zimmer 20 D 2, Vaihingen, 70569 Stuttgart, FRG  -=

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