PSTricks a pdfLaTeX

Luboš Kloc kloc at
Mon Jun 14 12:00:33 CEST 2004

Puvodni problem by snad mel resit novy balicek PGF (na CTANu).
Pise se v nem:

This user's guide explains the functionality of the \pgf\ package.
\pgf\ stands for `portable graphics format'. It is a \TeX\ macro
package that allows you to create graphics in your \TeX\ documents
using a special \texttt{pgfpicture} environment and special macros for
drawing lines, curves, rectangles, and many other kind of graphic
objects. Its usage closely resembles the \pstricks\ package or the
normal picture environment of \LaTeX.

Although \pgf\ is less powerful than \pstricks, it has the advantage
that it can generate both PostScript output and \textsc{pdf} output
from the same file. The \pgf\ package works together both with
\texttt{dvips} and \texttt{pdftex}. In particular, packages that rely
on \texttt{pdftex} or \texttt{pdflatex} (like some packages for
creating presentations) can be used together with \pgf.

Moznost vystupu jak do PDF, tak do PS pro tutez vektorovou inline
grafiku v TeXu povazuji za prinos. Zadne osobni zkusenosti s tim
ale nemam, pokud je nekdo ziskate, podelte se, prosim.

S pozdravem,

       Lubos Kloc

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