generovanie formatu

Petr Sojka sojka at
Thu Oct 16 15:24:22 CEST 2003

On Thu, Oct 16, 2003 at 03:12:34PM +0200, Petr Olsak wrote:
Dobry den,
> > pri vytvarani instalacneho rpm CsTeX-u pre Mandrake 9.1 som narazil na
> > tuto vec:
> > prikaz >>> pdftex -ini -progname=pdfcsplain -format=pdfcsplain
> > csplain.ini
> > vygeneruje format s nazvom csplain.fmt (a nie pdfcsplain.fmt)
> >
> > Je to vlastnost, alebo chyba?
> > Tusim ze je to asi normalne spravanie, ale intuitivne som cakal nieco
> > ine. Explicitne to nie je napisane nikde. (Nakoniec som to vyriesil cez
> > fmtutil.)
> >
> >     Peter Gasparovic
> To je docela zavazny problem. nevim, zda to je vlastnost nove verze a jaky
> byl duvod k teto vlastnosti.
> Prosim uzivatele, kteri pouzivaji tuto verzi teTeXu (ja to zatim nejsem),
> aby napsali autorovi dotaz, proc vyse uvedeny prikaz prestal fungovat.
> Nenechte se odbyt tvrzenim "delejte to pres fontutils" a zduraznete, ze
> vyse popsany prikazovy radek je dokumentovan v csTeXu a od nove veze se
> chovani programu lisi od dokumentace. Zeptejte se, prosim, proc k teto
> zmene doslo dejte mi, prosim, vedet.

Hmm, uz s tetexem pouzitym na texlive-6 dostanu:

bash-2.05a$ cd /tmp
bash-2.05a$  pdftex -ini -progname=pdfcsplain -format=pdfcsplain csplain.ini
pdftex: unrecognized option `-format=pdfcsplain'
Try `pdftex --help' for more information.
bash-2.05a$  pdftex --help
Usage: pdftex [OPTION]... [TEXNAME[.tex]] [COMMANDS]
   or: pdftex [OPTION]... \FIRST-LINE
   or: pdftex [OPTION]... &FMT ARGS
  Run pdfTeX on TEXNAME, usually creating TEXNAME.pdf.
  Any remaining COMMANDS are processed as pdfTeX input, after TEXNAME is read.
  If the first line of TEXNAME is %&FMT, and FMT is an existing .fmt file,
  use it.  Else use `NAME.fmt', where NAME is the program invocation name,
  most commonly `pdftex'.

  Alternatively, if the first non-option argument begins with a backslash,
  interpret all non-option arguments as a line of pdfTeX input.

  Alternatively, if the first non-option argument begins with a &, the
  next word is taken as the FMT to read, overriding all else.  Any
  remaining arguments are processed as above.

  If no arguments or options are specified, prompt for input.

-c-style-errors          print C/C++ style error messages.
-fmt=FMTNAME             use FMTNAME instead of program name or a %& line
-ini                     be pdfinitex, for dumping formats; this is implicitly
                          true if the program name is `pdfinitex'
-interaction=STRING      set interaction mode (STRING=batchmode/nonstopmode/
-kpathsea-debug=NUMBER   set path searching debugging flags according to
                          the bits of NUMBER
[-no]-mktex=FMT          disable/enable mktexFMT generation (FMT=tex/tfm)
-output-comment=STRING   use STRING for PDF file comment instead of date
-progname=STRING         set program (and fmt) name to STRING
-shell-escape            enable \write18{SHELL COMMAND}
-src-specials            insert source specials into the DVI file
-src-specials=WHERE      insert source specials in certain places of
                         the DVI file. WHERE is a comma-separated value
                         list: cr display hbox math par parend vbox
-translate-file=TCXNAME  use the TCX file TCXNAME
-help                    display this help and exit
-version                 output version information and exit

Email bug reports to tex-k at
bash-2.05a$  pdftex -ini -progname=pdfcsplain -fmt=pdfcsplain csplain.ini
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-pre-1.0-unofficial-20010704 (Web2C (INITEX)
Preloading the plain format: codes, registers, parameters, fonts, more fonts,
macros, math definitions, output routines, hyphenation
Extra codes in ISO-8859-2, )
(/packages/share/texlive-6/texmf/tex/csplain/hyphen.lan Hyphen.lan,
Enhyphex.tex English exception words.)
The \^, \`, \', \v, \" and \r expands to characters by ISO-8859-2.
The \^, \`, \', \v, \" and \r have original plainTeX meaning.)
\hsize=159.2 mm \vsize=239.2 mm) )
Beginning to dump on file pdfcsplain.fmt
 (format=pdfcsplain 2003.10.16)
2433 strings of total length 34804
6433 memory locations dumped; current usage is 110&6074
1031 multiletter control sequences

Nevim, zda nekdy fungoval i prepinac -format misto -fmt,
ale spis jde o chybu v dokumentaci cstexu.


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