bude TeXlive8 skutecne live?

Petr Olsak olsak at math.feld.cvut.cz
Thu Feb 6 14:06:50 CET 2003

Vazeni TeXiste,

Pri planovani noveho TeXlive8 se ukazuje, ze se jim to uz nevejde
na jedno CeDe. Vyvojari TeXlive (viz nize) cekaji na nazory, jak dale
postupovat. Jedno z reseni je, ze TeXlive uz nebude live a bude obsahovat
komprimovane baliky. Tj. TeX nepujde spoustet z CeDecka bez predchozi
instalace. Vadilo by to nekomu? Ozvali se nejaci Polaci, ze by jim to
vadilo. Zajimalo by me tedy, zda vyuzivate toho, ze TeXlive lze pouzit bez
instalace a zda byste byli ochotni akceptovat, ze to tak priste uz nebude.

Misto, abych to konzultoval na "comitee", rozhodl jsem se otevrit diskusi
na toto tema na tomto listu. Podle Vasich reakci pak zaslu Sebastianovi
nejakou zpravu "za Ceske a Slovenske uzivatele TeXu". Tesim se na Vase

Petr Olsak

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 06 Feb 2003 10:20:07 +0100
From: Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz at computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>
To: texlive at tug.org
Subject: [tex-live] texlive 8

as it stands today, the 2 CDs come out as:

359568 extents written (702 Mb)
350432 extents written (684 Mb)

so we have a pretty big problem

I am increasingly attracted by the notion of
1 CD full of bzipped tar archives which the install
program will extract, 1 DVD with the expanded tree,
and a new project to build
a demo CD for TeX from that base. Fabrice's XEmTeX
work seems to be the right basis.

Janusz makes a case for the current setup; Fabrice
wants a demo CD (but has his separate project). are
there any other votes?

can those of who work for user groups consult your
committees on this subject?

By the way, I would not propose to change the Perforce setup
at this stage. I'd reckon to build the packages CD
automatically from it.

Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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