PhD > Ph.D. v zozname literatury

Rado Bonk rbonk at
Sun Apr 7 10:55:22 CEST 2002

Dobry den prajem,

Pouzivam LaTeX na pisanie dipl. v AJ. Vyskytol sa dva problemy s ktorym si
neviem rady.
1. Pre citaciu definovanu stylom @phdthesis v subore citacie.bib
sa v zozname literatury vypise "PhD thesis" a nie "Ph.D. thesis" ako by
malo. Ako spravit aby vypisoval "Ph.D."? Citacne prostredie volam cez

author={Christine Helen Scott},
title={{Contemporary sediment transfer in {H}imalayan glacial systems:
Implications for the interpretation of the Quarternary record}},
school={University of Leicester, Department of Geography},

2. Potrebujem aby mi v zozname lit. vypisal autora clanku ako
"Shroder, J. F., Jr.,". Vypisuje vsak "Shroder, J. F.". Skusal som do
ciatcie.bib to "Jr." vselijako dopisat, ale nedostavil sa vysledok. Nema
niekto podobne skusenosti?

author={J. F. Shroder},
title={Quaternary glacial chronology and neotectonics in the {H}imalaya
of northern {Pakistan}},
journal={Special Paper, Geomorphological Society of America},

Dakujem za pomoc,


Dipl. Geogr. Radoslav Bonk
Dept. of Physical Geography and Geoecology
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University
Mlynska Dolina 842 15, Bratislava
tel: 00421 (0)2 602 96 250
e-mail:rbonk at

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