Obrazek a text

Josef Krob jokr at phil.muni.cz
Mon Mar 26 14:57:15 CEST 2001

Dne 26. března 2001 v 14:45, Petr Hrahek napsal(a):

> Zdravim
> pred casem jsem zde uvedl jeden svuj malinky problem s obrazkem a
> textem. Zatim co my nekteri poradily, za si mam vzit papir, vedle nej
> obrazek a pak je dat do hromady, ptam se tudiz znovu.

> Pouzivam CsLaTeX a potreboval bych umistit vedle obrazku najy
> text. Samozrejme v elektronicke podobe a nejlepe v TeXu. Dival jsem se
> do manualu TeX a tam je receno, ze v ConTeXtu se to da udelat pomoci
> prikazu /startpicturetext a /stopfiguretext. Jenze to samozrejme nejde
> pouzit v pripade CsLaTeXu. Existuje nejaky balicek nebo neco podobneho
> pro CsLaTeX?. Nemate s timto problemem nekdo nejake zkusenosti?

Pred odeslanim dopisu doporucuji tento po sobe precist a ocistit jej
od hrubek. Jinak se Vam zase muze stat, ze nekdo bude reagovat
na chyby a o veci se nic neodzvite.

Pred polozenim dotazu doporucuji nahlednout do FAQ ci nejake
prirucky, kde jsou zodpovezeny triviality. Jejich caste opakovani v
konferenci ma za nasledek lehce i vice podrazdene reakce.

K veci:
Proste vlozeni obrazku:
Nejcasteji pouzivana reseni
1.1.1. epsf. sty
1.1.2. includegraphics

Obtekani obrazku textem:
>pomerne castym dotazem (FAQ) je obtekani
obrazku v TeXu.
>Nize uvedeny prehled na nej odpovida.
>Petr Sojka
>: Subject: Re: flowing text around figures in
>: Reply-To: piet at cs.ruu.nl (Piet van Oostrum)
>: Organization: Dept of Computer Science,
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
>: Keywords: latex paragraph picture figure flow
>: There are a couple of style files that
purport to do this. But they all
>: have their limitations because the TeX
machine isn't really designed to
>: solve this.
>: flow.sty, floatfig.sty, figures.sty,
picinpar.sty, picins.sty (from a
>: package picins), window.sty, wrapfig.sty
>: Here is a brief impression (from the source
code, and some experiments):
>: figures.sty:
>:     \rightfig{width}{height}{caption
>:               ... paragraph text ...
>:     similar \leftfig
>:     You must specify the width and height of
your picture yourself. No
>:     possibility to include it in table of
figures/tables without additional
>:     effort.
>: picinpar.sty:
>:     \begin{window}[#lines before, l|r|c,
picture contents, caption}
>:       ... paragraph text ...
>:     \end{window}
>:     Gives the possibility to specify that the
paragraph must have advanced
>:     a number of lines before the picture
begins. Width and height will be
>:     deduced from the contents. The picture
may span several paragraphs. The
>:     picture can be positioned left, right or
in the center of the page.
>:     Does not work with the amstex.sty option.
>:     \begin{figwindow}
>:     \begin{tabwindow} the same with inclusion
in the table of figures or
>:     tables resp..
>:     NOTE: I have studied the code of this
package extensively and it is
>:     badly programmed. There is a lot of
redundant code and worse, it is
>:     buggy. E.g. if you set
\box0=\hbox{l}\parskip=\ht0 and you have plain
>:     text in the paragraph around the figure
you will loose the text!!!
>:     Moreover if you center the picture and
the lines at the left and right
>:     of the picture don't have the standard
height (e.g. because you have a
>:     formula like $A^n_i$ in one of the parts)
they don't line up properly.
>: wrapfig.sty:
>:     \begin{wrapfigure}[height of figure in
>:               {figure, caption etc.}
>:     \end{wrapfigure}
>:     Similar for wraptable.
>:     Height can be ommitted and will be
calculated in that case.
>:     The {l|r} parameter can aslo be specified
as inside or outside, and it
>:     can be used to indicate that the picture
should float.
>:     Will be counted as figure/table.
>:     Does not work in combination with list
environments, but can be used in
>:     a parbox or minipage, and in twocolumn
>: flow.sty:
>:     \flow[L|R]{paragraph text}{figure box}
>:     figure must be in a TeX box.
>:     A frame will always be drawn.
>:     No captions.
>: floatfig.sty:
>:     \begin{floatingfigure}{figure}
>:     \end{floatingfigure}
>:     Will be counted as figure. The last time
that I tried this I couldn't
>:     get it working.
>: floatflt.sty (actually a LaTeX2e package):
>:     This is an improved version of floatfig
for LaTeX2e:
>:     \begin{floatingfigure}[option]{figure}
>:     \end{floatingfigure}
>:     More or less similar floatingtable.
>:     The tables/figures can be set left/right
or alternating on even/odd
>:     Works with the multicol package. Doesn't
work well in the neighbourhood
>:     of list environments unless you change
your LaTeX document.
>: window.sty:
>:     \windowbox[toplines][inwindow:
contents][ratio: l r]
>:       ... paragraph text ... \par
>:     Gives the possibility to place a picture
on an arbitrary location
>:     in a paragraph (e.g. on 2/3 of the width)
>:     No captions or table of figures inclusion.
>:     According to the author there are
problems when inserting boxes at the
>:     end of a page or at the beginning of a
section. This style is no longer
>:     supported.
>: picins.sty is part of a large package that
allows inclusion of pictures
>: (e.g. with shadow boxes, various MSDOS
formats etc)
>:     \parpic(width,height)(x-off,y-
>:     Paragraph text....
>:     All parameters except the Picture are
optional. The picture can be
>:     positioned left or right, boxed with a
rectangle, oval, shadowbox,
>:     dashed box, a caption can be given which
includes it in the List of
>:     figures.
>:     This is the only package that I tried
that correctly works inside an
>:     enumerate/itemize item. It does not,
however work with
>:     enumerate/itemize besides the picture
(i.e. started after the \parpic
>:     command) but neither does any of the
other packages as far as I could
>:     discern.
>:     The only disadvantage for some people
will be that the documentation is
>:     in German. I have included a summary in
English as picins.txt on CTAN.
>: Picins looks like the best and nicest to me.
I would like to receive
>: additions or corrections to the above list.
>: Piet van Oostrum <piet at cs.ruu.nl>

______Josef Krob______________________________________________
jokr at phil.muni.cz | http://www.phil.muni.cz/~jokr
ICQ 28062964
tel.: +420 (0)5 41121163

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