cstex na Unixe

Petr Sojka sojka at informatics.muni.cz
Fri Dec 7 19:07:35 CET 2001

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 03:44:57PM +0100, Ladislav Kostal wrote:
> > > Vedeli by ste mi prosim poradit, ako najjednoduchsie dostat na Solaris 8
> > > (alebo iny UNIX okrem Linuxu) cstex (pripadne aj cslatex)? Na TeXlive CD
> > > podpora pre Solaris nie je a neviem, ak by som nainstaloval nejaku inu
> >
> > Na TeXlive-6 CD binarky pro Solaris 2.7 _jsou_; bezproblemove je provozujeme
> > na FI MU na nekolika desitkach stroju se Solarisem 2.8.
> > cstex i cslatex tam samozrejme jsou.
> Ospravedlnujem sa, CD som si pozeral vo Windows a tam su adresare
> i386-freebsd, i386-solaris2.8 a sparc64-linux prazdne. Ked som si CD
> pozrel teraz na Solarise, prazdne boli uz iba prvy a treti zmienovany. Na
> freebsd sa znova javia ako prazdne vsetky tri. Mozete mi to prosim
> vysvetlit? csTeX by som potreboval okrem Solarisu totiz aj na FreeBSD.

Tipuji to na spatne montovani ci medium.
Na CD jsou binarky pro vsechny platformy zminene na
http://tug.org/texlive/ :
        DEC Alpha OSF/1 (4.0)
        HP9000 HPUX 10.20
        Linux (on Intel Pentium)
        FreeBSD (on Intel Pentium)
        SGI IRIX (6.5)
        IBM RS 6000 AIX (4.2)
        Sun Sparc Solaris (2.7)

Mozna problemy souvisi s timto:

The CD is in ISO-9660 (High Sierra) format, with Rock Ridge extensions. In order to take full advantage of the
  CD on a Unix system, your system needs to be able to use the Rock Ridge extensions. Please consult the
  documentation for your mount command to see if it is possible.

  If you have several different machines on a local network, see if you can mount the CD on one which does
  support Rock Ridge, and use it from the others;

Na shledanou zitra

Petr Sojka

> Dakujem
> Ladislav Kostal

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