KAPITOLA-jak dostat pryc z hlavicky ?

Josef Svoboda j.svoboda at phoenix.cz
Fri Apr 13 13:19:08 CEST 2001

>   Potzrebovl bych usetrit misto v hlavicce a ponechat tam jen nazev
>   kapitoly spolu s cislem stranky a cislem kapitoly. Pouzivam styl
>   REPORT a na hlavicku FANCYHDR.

Na comp.text.tex byl vcera polozen podobny dotaz.

> I've tried a dozen things, including redefininf chaptermark, to remove
> the "Chapter n" from the beginning of chapters. How do you do this?

Odpoved znela:

\chapter*{...} eliminates both Chapter and n. If you just want
Chapter eliminated, use the anonchap package from CTAN.
Peter W.

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