Obtekani v Plainu

Petr Sturc sturc at fzu.cz
Mon Feb 14 12:02:40 CET 2000

On 14 Feb 2000 09:13:48 +0100, Oldrich Ulrych <ulrych at karlin.mff.cuni.cz> wrote:
>Makro spoleha dost vyrazne na \everypar (a intenzivne s nim pracuje),
>takze pokud neco (napr. v LaTeXu - ale pro ten jsem to nezamyslel) obsah
>\everypar modifikuje, tak ve vysledku lze ocekavat cokoliv.
>Tri radky uvedene ve Vasem dopise jsem vyzkousel a funguji (v plainu a to
>jak s volnym radkem za \inspicture, tak s TEXTEM bezprostredne nasledujicim).
>Makro incpic.tex v ftp archivu CSTUGu je stejne, jake pouzivam ja (od doby umisteni

Prominte, ze s tim porad otravuju. Ale at delam, co delam,
tak dostavam porad jen neco jako:

| Obrazek   |
+----- -----+

Nejsem si jisty, jestli makro spravne pouzivam.
Uvadim pro jistotu kompletni text jednoho odstavce,
s vlozeny prazdnym boxem:

------------------- CUT HERE -----------------------------
\input incpic

 An example of the field dependence of real and imaginary part of
the surface impedance can be observed on Figure X. Notice the value
of $\eta_{FR}$, which is resonance field value predicted by
simple Kittel's theory.
\boxplace{\vbox to 2cm{\hbox to 5cm{}}}{}{Figure 1. Blabla}\par
\inspicture l(2)!
Difference between maximum of the real part of surface impedance,
i.e. {\it the real resonance field} and $\eta_{FR}$ is so--called
{\it exchange--conductivity shift}. It amounts up to
several tens of gauss.
------------------- CUT HERE -----------------------------

Prekladal sem to plainem.

Pomozte, prosim!

Dik Petr Sturc

Petr Sturc <sturc at fzu.cz>   http://www.fzu.cz/~sturc/
Dept. of Magnetism, Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague,Czech Rep.

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