balik times

Filip Kadlec kadlecf at
Tue Jan 27 17:01:59 CET 1998

Dobry den.
Potrebuji prelozit dokument pro LaTeX2e, ktery pouziva balik times.
V uvodu se pise:

% you need to have the "times" package installed. This should exist
% if LaTeX2e was installed correctly. If not, it can be obtained from
% the CTAN Tex Archive...

Jak se ale balik times nainstaluje (pod CsTeX)? Na CTANu jsem nasel
times.sty; ten vola psfonts.sty. Kdyz oboji podstrcim LaTeXu, dostanu pri
prekladu podivny vystup:

%(zacatek vystupu)
This is emTeX (tex386), Version 3.14159 [4b] (no format preloaded)
LaTeX2e <1995/12/01>
Default encoding set to IL2.
Loading CZ hyphenation patterns: Pavel Sevecek, v3, 1995
Loading SK hyphenation patterns: Jana Chlebikova, 1992
Document Class: article 1995/11/30 v1.3p Standard LaTeX document class
(c:/emtex/texinput/latex2e/size12.clo)) (c:/emtex/texinput/etc/times.sty
(c:/emtex/texinput/etc/psfonts.sty)) (c:/emtex/texinput/etc/illprop.sty)
(illprop.aux) (c:/emtex/texinput/latex2e/cslatex/xl2cmr.fd)
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
l.109 \begin{document}

%(konec vystupu)

Pricemz pred radkou 109 jsou jen komentare a hlavicka:

\input ILLProp.sty



Staci vymazat prikaz \usepackage{times} a preklad probehne bez otazniku,
i kdyz chybi nektere fonty. Proto usuzuji, ze chyba je v instalaci baliku
times. Ale jak ho spravne instalovat?

	Za odpovedi diky predem.

                           Filip Kadlec

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