Bezi cstex na Win NT?

Z. Wagner wagner at
Fri Feb 27 14:45:01 CET 1998

On Fri, 27 Feb 1998, Jiri Rybicka wrote:

> Tento problem jsem byl nucen rovnez resit, po diskusi na listu mi bylo
> jasne, ze jej musim nejak obejit. Pouzil jsem reseni, ktere docela funguje
> a na prvni pohled se chova stejne: vyhodil jsem volani ovladace pres
> dvidrv, po skonceni prohlizece v davce otestuji, zda vznikl soubor
> dv1.mfj, pokud ano, spustim davku, ktera vygeneruje fonty a smaze dv1.mfj.
> Zatim nejsou zadne problemy.
doporucil bych pouzivat standardni postupy. Pokud ovladac potrebuje
vygenerovat fonty, skonci s navratovym kodem 8, coz muzete kontrolovat.
Prikladam prislusnou stranku z dokumentace dvidrv.inf:

  The following return codes are passed to the parent process:

  0       No errors

  1       Bad argument

  2       Bad \special command

  8       Fonts are to be generated

  9       Error (dvidrv.exe program)

  100     Not enough memory

  101     Not enough memory or disk space

  200     Bad DVI file

  201     Bad font file or font not found

  202     Bad graphics file or graphics file not found

  203     Bad VF file

  204     Other error

  254     Internal error

  You can use IF ERRORLEVEL in batch files to check the return code.

> JR.

Zdenek Wagner

E. Hala Laboratory of Thermodynamics,
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals
of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
e-mail:wagner at  or  wagner at

Local editor of the Bulletin of the Czech and Slovak TeX Users Group,
member of the CSTUG board
e-mail:Zdenek.Wagner at  or  bulletin at  or  zpravodaj at

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