Graficky editor pod DOSem?

Jan Liska lisak at
Wed Apr 15 03:26:04 CEST 1998

Pomozte, prosim;

shanim rozumny graficky editor pro emTEX pro DOS, ve kterem bzch mohl
kreslit jednoduche nacrtky, pricemz vystup by byl idealne do metafontu.
XFIG chodi pod linuxem, TeXcad pise vystup v LaTeXu, stejne tak Ipe... Co
s tim?? Zajimavy je mfpic, ale jednak si obrazky je treba kreslit na papir
v souradne soustave, jednak se pri kazde zmene musi volat metafont a
gftopk... Neni nejake jednodussi reseni?

diky, Lisak

Somewhere, just out of the sight, the unicorns are gathering...
lisak at | PGP key: finger lisak at atrey...
     Some think the Devil rules Halloween. They're wrong
-------------------------SFK CORNHOLIO-------------------------

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