Nova verze: pmCSTeX for EPM (OS/2 Warp)

Petr Mikulik mikulik at
Tue Jun 11 10:48:11 CEST 1996

Oznamuji novou verzi {em}(La)TeXovskeho menu systemu pro editor EPM. Pokud
si ji chcete vyzkouset hned ted, tak si ji stahnete bud z me WWW stranky
anebo z incoming adresare nebo

Tato makra jsou tez soucasti meho modulu pro instalaci CSTEXu'96
pod OS/2. Nejake  instalace podle tohoto modulu probehly, a protoze nikdo
nehlasil zadne chyby ani zadne dalsi pripominky, tak by se snad mohl
presunout z me stranky k centralni distribuci CSTEXu?


I have released the new version of pmCSTeX for EPM. This is a macro package
that implements many (em)TeX related features into the powerful EPM editor.

The package "pmCSTeX for EPM" is now available
- on my WWW page:
- on the usual OS/2 FTP sites (,
- on CTAN mirrors (directory CTAN/systems/os2)

"CS~TeX" menu item is added to the EPM menu in order to provide many
for {em}(La)TeXing from within the EPM (texing the document, texing one
paragraph, previewing, searching for errors, bibtexing, postscript preview
etc.). New toolbar is provided as well. Hotkeys for some (La)TeX commands,
including (AMS)LaTeX environments list and a Greek keyboard. LaTeX2e.ndx
for hypertext link to LaTeX2e commands is included. I tried to implement
best features of those packages: CSTeX MNU for DOS, TeXshell, EPMTeX,
pmgraf, emacs.

New features since the last international beta release:

- meaning of Alt-Q changed, added Ctrl-Q hot key (quick \begin equations)
- spell-checker discussion
- syntax highlighting discussion
- TeXing works when you ask for it from within .log file
- next_error: oval drawing for ...long line with an error works now better
- sampactn.e replaced according to new EPM 6.03b
- EMTEXOPT keyword added so there is no need to change .cmd files when
  working on AMS-LaTeX or memory consuming documents. Usage of \batchmode
  command in the Master file not more required. Document being (La)TeXed
  on background is iconified
- some minor changes by new users taken into account
- DVIPS keywoard for the Master's first line included


***  Petr Mikulik, mikulik at, tel. (33-)76887426
***    Laboratoire Louis Neel, Grenoble, France
***  Permanent address: mikulik at
***    Dpt. of Solid State Physics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
***  (X-rays,freeware,OS/2,C++,TeX)

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