Umi TeX uz i noty?

Petr Sojka sojka at
Thu Mar 2 11:40:06 CET 1995

"Michal Misler wrote:"
: Nevedeli byste nekdo, jak se daji sazet noty a podobne veci?
: Znam nekolik ruznych programu, v TeXu jsem to vsak zatim nikdy
: nevidel.

Japak by ne. V nekterem starsim cstug bulletinu byla
ukazka od Pavla Sekaniny.

Existuji 2 baliky -- MuTeX a MusicTeX.
Na jednohlas staci MuTeX, chcete-li sazet partitury,
neobejdete se bez MusicTeXu. Nedavno se objevilo
rozsireni MusicTeXu musixTeX (v ..../CTAN/support/musixtex/)


FAQ 930127: Frequently Asked Questions pertaining to MusicTeX and MuTeX


NOTE: This is a bare bones beginning of what will constitute a more substantial
        "Frequently Asked Questions" for MuTeX and MusicTeX.

        Please mail your contributions to this to "mutex at"


01      What is MuTeX?
02      Where can I get MuTeX and MusicTeX?
03      Where are the archives of MuTeX mailing list?
04      With MusicTeX I get notes and beams, but they are badly aligned,
        beams and slurs are offset to the right etc.
05      I obtained easily the .TEX files but the .PK and .TFM are wrong.
06      There is no documentation with MusicTeX.
07      I run MusicTeX on SUNOS (or some other big computer) but I have
        memory problems with MSDOS
08      Where's the glue?  it's not clear to me when to use or not use \temps
        or just what it really does.
09      When and why do you really need to put \relax at the end of a line?
10      What are the advantages or disadvantages of using ^ instead of \sh?
        Is one more flexible, or is it just a matter of typing style?
11      How can I put something somewhere in the MusicTeX staffs.
12      I cannot print notice.tex with american paper.
13      How can I make triplets?
14      How can I offset vertically the rests, in order to avoid collision
        with beams or other notes in polyphonic music:


This FAQ list is kept up to date by the contributions of the members of the
mutex mailing list.  To participate in mutex and musictex discussions, you
can subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) the "mutex" mailing list at the
        mutex-request at
To send a question to the entire membership of the mutex mailing list, use
the address:
        mutex at

Happy MusicTeXing
Petr Sojka

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