Nazvy fontu (bylo TeX pro UN*X)

Petr Sojka sojka at
Tue Mar 7 09:15:27 CET 1995

"Jan Kucera wrote:"
: Rekl bych, ze moznost nechat uzivateli vybrat je to prave (s tim, ze
: ovsem bude vedet co dela and/or ze bude existovat jedna implicitni
: volba)
: Pokud jde o nazev fontu, neni podstatny - podminkou je, aby nebyl
: totozny s nazvem cs fontu, ktery je v kodovani ISO-Latin2
: cc je OK (taky by se mohl jmenovat ok, coz je nase cz/cs pro letadla...)
: :-)
Pokud jde o nazev fontu, je _dost_ podstatny, zvlaste
pri vytvareni obecne siritelne distribuce. Neni podstatny pouze
kdyz se neco bastli doma docasne na lokalnim PC, ale jinak
vidim jako jedinou cestu, jak se vyhnout budoucim
problemum, v priklonu k obecnym standardum
v pojmenovavani TeXovych fontu (metrik) popsaneho v*

cc pro family je jiz obsazene:
File:,  Node: Typeface families,  Next: Weight,  Prev: Sources,  Up: Naming scheme

Typeface families




     Computer Modern



     Century Schoolbook



Tak jak tak prekodovanim fontu nevznika nova family, kodovani fontu
se urcuje variantou (suffixem):


  Unfortunately, "variants" include scripts (Greek, Cyrillic) and font
encodings (Adobe standard, alternate, expert), as well as true typeface
variations (italic, typewriter).

  Mittelbach in TUGboat 13(1) suggests that `typewriter' and `sans'
should be identified as part of the typeface name, because there are few
typeface families with these variants.  I feel the typeface namespace is
already too cluttered, and that logically they are variants.

     Adobe standard encoding

     semi sans

     encoding with changed characters only, e.g., Adobe's `Dfr'



     phonetic (IPA)

     semi serif

     *escape*, see below

     oldstyle digits

     Adobe alternate encoding, alternate characters only


     small caps

     display, titling, caption

     engraved, copperplate

     Fraktur, gothic, blackletter

     grooved (as in the IBM logo)


     text italic, kursiv



     outline, open face

     math italic


     oblique (i.e., slanted)


     TeX extended (Cork, DC) encoding

     normal (roman or sans)

     sans serif


     unslanted italic

     math extension

     script, handwritten, swash

     Adobe expert encoding



  If the variant is `r', and the width is also normal, both the variant
and the width are omitted.  When the normal version of the typeface is
sans serif (e.g., Helvetica), `r' should be used, not `s'.  Use `s'
only when the typeface family has both serif and sans serif variants.

  The variant `8' is marked "escape": this means the next character is
also to be taken as a variant letter (and gives us another 36
characters). Here is the table for the escaped variants:

     ISO Latin 1 (8859/1) encoding

     ISO Latin 2 (8859/2) encoding

     ISO Latin 5 (8859/5) encoding

     Macintosh standard encoding

     Windows ANSI encoding (from Appendix C of the Adobe PDF manual and
     the back of the Windows manual)

: Jan Kucera
Z toho mi vyplyva, ze fonty v IL2 by mely mit suffix 82.

Petr Sojka

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