TeXShell v2.7.1 is there

Juergen Schlegelmilch <Juergen.Schlegelmilch@arbi.informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.de> Juergen.Schlegelmilch at arbi.informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.de
Fri Jul 7 20:27:35 CEST 1995

Sorry about the previous mail, I forgot the list language is english.

TeXShell is an integrating user interface to the emTeX package,
the excellent TeX implementation for MS-DOS and OS/2. It runs
under MS-DOS and integrates all the programs of emTeX:
TeX (normal, big and 386), BibTeX, MakeIndex, previewer, printer
driver, plus multi-file editors and any tool you want. It's very
flexible and offers context-sensitive help on LaTeX macros in its
build-in editor. The user interface looks much like Borland's
TurboPascal IDE, with windows and mouse-support.

Version 2.7.1 of TeXShell fixes several bugs of v2.7 and
additionally offers the following new features:
 * improved wordwrapping
 * improved program handling
 * unlimited size of customized environments
 * supports the directory structure of the new emTeX release

No reconfiguration is necessary, as the new version is able to read in
v2.5- up to v2.7-style option files. You will find all files in the archive
ts271.zip on any CTAN server in tex-archive/systems/msdos/texshell and on
  pella.informatik.uni-rostock.de in /pub

Please send bug reports and suggestions to me:
  schlegel at Informatik.Uni-Rostock.de

  J"urgen Schlegelmilch

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