emTeX pod OS/2 (CS)

Wagner, Zdenek WAGNER at icpf.cas.cz
Mon Feb 13 14:52:06 CET 1995

Vazeni kolegove,
ulozil jsem na ftp.icpf.cas.cz ( do adresare
/wagner/cstex95/os2warp (a podadresaru) strucny navod, jak provozovat CsTeX
pod OS/2 Warp 3.0. Protoze pristup na nas stroj neni jednoduchy, vkladam tez
vse zazipovane (Info-zipem) na ftp.muni.cz jako os2cstex.zip do
/pub/tex/incoming a brzy to snad bude presunuto na nejakou cilovou pozici
(napr. /pub/tex/local/cstug/wagner).

,~~~/        /`               /     /|      /~~~
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  /     /~~/ /~~/ /~~/ /~~/ /\       | /| / /~~/ /~~/ /~~/ /~~/ /~~~
 /   , /  / /~~~ /  / /~~~ /  \      |/ |/ /  /_/  / /  / /~~~ /
 ~~~~  ~~~  ~~~ '  '  ~~~ '    `     '  '  ~~~  ~~/ '  '  ~~~ '
                              Zdenek Wagner______/

Please, notice the new address: <wagner at icpf.cas.cz>

The old addresses (i.e. <wagner at csearn.bitnet> and <wagner at earn.cvut.cz>)
will continue to work for some time...

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