!!!! emtex-list changed !!!!

Guido Sawade sawade at physik.tu-berlin.de
Fri Apr 7 19:01:14 CEST 1995

Dear recipients of the emtex-user mailing list.

The list has changed it's location and it is
maintained by the majordomo mailing list script
up from now.

Please send your mail (intend for all recipients) to
        emtex-user at physik.tu-berlin.de

I'd like to thank Vera Heinau for her work at the
former list site and hope that a lot of problems
are solved by this task.


>>>> info emtex-user
[Last updated on: Fri Apr  7 16:58:54 1995]

Information about the mailing list <emtex-user at physik.tu-berlin.de>:

o This list is meant for everyone who wants to discuss problems concerning
  installation and/or use of the emTeX package and to be informed about bugs,
  fixes and new releases. It sometimes has a traffic of about 5-10 mails per
  day so if you (or your host) can't handle such a quantity of mail, please
  don't sign on.

o The conversation language is ENGLISH.

o Address of the list, expanded to all members (about 700 at present):

        emtex-user at physik.tu-berlin.de

o Address of the list server process:

        majordomo at physik.tu-berlin.de

   majordomo checks the text of mails sended for several key words,
   your first contact with majordomo should be a mail with
   in the body.

o In the case of problems with this list, contact it's maintainers:

        emtex-user-owner at physik.tu.berlin.de

  which are in persona
        Thomas-Henning v. Kamptz  <tomsoft at physik.tu-berlin.de>
     &  Guido Sawade              <sawade at physik.tu-berlin.de>

Thank you for accepting these simple rules.                  G. Sawade

>>>> end

Gruss / Regards
       Guido Sawade   <sawade at marie.physik.tu-berlin.de>
       TU Berlin,  Opt.Inst. PN 0-1,  10623 Berlin,  FRG

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