
Wed Oct 26 11:30:20 CET 1994

% Ja bych jeste dodal, ze DOSova verze GS je podle mych zkusenosti naprosto
% nespolehliva. 99% mych dokumentu GS nezvladne a hlasi nesmyslne chyby. Verze
% 2.5 je pri te bide relativne nejspolehlivejsi, verze 2.6 nefunguje na me
% texty vubec, 2.61 je vyrazne rychlejsi nez 2.5, ale nikdy se mi nepodarilo z
% ni dostat nic na papir. Nastesti mam postscriptovou tiskarnu...

Moje zkusenost s GS neni tak zla, i kdyz musim uznat, ze az dosud
nejlepe fungovala verze 2.5.2, ke ktere jsem se cas od casu stale
vracel, kdyz jsem s nekterou novejsi verzi na nekterem souboru
neuspel. S touto verzi mi take vyborne funguje dosovsky (!)
prohlizec, ktery jsem prave dovezl od svych polskych pratel (cca
23 kB ps soubor), ktery umoznuje pohyb p strance a libovolnou
magnifikaci dokumentu i skok na libovolnou stranu.

Verzi GS 3.12 jsem ozkousel a jsem ji nadsen (pozor ovsem: jedna
se o Alladin Ghostscript, nikoli GNU!), poprve dovede poznat
ljet4, takze jsem prestal mit problemy s umistenim stranky
(predchozi verze fungovaly i na 600dpi, ale stranka byla vzdy
posunuta do mista, kde se objevil prvni cerny pixel) a navic
konecne poskytuje rastr kvalitou odpovidajici vyssimu rozliseni.
Navic se mi poprve podarilo na laserove tiskarne vytisknout
testovaci soubor test.tex z instalace dvips se vsim vsudy vcetne
celeho cerneho ramecku, a to i pri 4nasobne iterace vlozeni
zmensene strany. Pouzivam tgedy nadale verzi 2.5.2 na prohlizeni
(a byl bych rad, kdyby nejaky znalec PostScriptu dokazal zjistit,
v cem je chyba, ze jine verze GS nedokazi zmineny ps soubor
spravne interpretovat) a GS3.12 na tisk na laserjetu 4. Odlozil
jsem koupi PS karty v okamziku, kdy dosly nove em drivery rady
1.5 a zatim se mi to stale vyplaci! Nemel jsem ovsem dosud
moznost srovnani mezi tiskem s kartou a pomoci GS, ani co se tyce
doby tisku (komplikovanejsi stranka trva GS max. 90 sekund
na uvedene tiskarne).

Prikladam zminovany soubor (nefungoval ani s verzi 2.5,
zatim jen s 2.5.2!?, verze 2.6.x jsem zatim nemel moznost
ozkouset). Pouziti spociva v predchozim precteni tohoto souboru
pred prohlizenym dokumentem. Pote by mely fungovat klavesy v
(zvetseni o 1 rad, x vystup do dosu, n nasledujici strana, u
nahoru (up), r doprava (right) apod. -- nasledovany vzdy ENTERem;
dalsi moznosti lze vycist z komentare na zacatku souboru.

%% Utility for Ghostscript interpreter v. 2.6 and newer
%% Authors: P.Pianowski, B.Jackowski
%%%% Under pressure from participants of the 8th EuroTeX Conference, we
%%%% decided to release this ``viewer'' as a PRE-PUBLIC-DOMAIN product.
%%%% People using our product are kindly requested to inform
%%%% us about it (by mail). Any comments are welcome.
%%%%                                                  The authors.
%%%%                                           Gda\'nsk-Sobieszewo, 1994
%% Copyright: BOP s.c. Gda$sk, Tatrza$ska 6/1, tel. 51-23-09
%% Version: 0.995
%% Creation date: Jan 15 1993
%% Update: May 23 1994
%% Commands for PostScript documents viewing
%%    (FILE_NAME) a   apply new picture
%%    (FILE_NAME) ap  apply new paged document
%%                i   view picture with initial parameter settings
%%                w   view whole picture
%%                c   redraw current picture
%%  [(FILE_NAME)] rr  conditional reading the restart informations
%%  [(FILE_NAME)] wr  writing the restart informations
%%         [PAGE] pn  goto specified page
%%         [INCR] n   goto next page
%%         [INCR] p   goto previous page
%%          [MAG] m   set magnification factor
%%                g   draw grid
%% [HORIZ] [VERT] v   view magnified and shifted picture
%%        [SHIFT] s   set shift
%%        [SHIFT] l   shift left
%%        [SHIFT] r   shift right
%%        [SHIFT] u   shift up
%%        [SHIFT] d   shift down
%%         [STEP] ro  rotate picture counterclockwise by abs(STEP)*90
%%                hf  flip picture horizontaly
%%                vf  flip picture verticaly
%%         [INCR] *   undo previous picture
%%         [INCR] +   redo undone picture
%%                fr  show the frame
%%  [(FILE_NAME)] pr  print contents of the frame to printer (to file)
%%                r1024 |
%%                r800  | set screen resolution -- for TVGA and TSENG only
%%                r640  |
%%                e   error handler
%%                q   quit with saving the restart information
%%                x   exit
%% [ ... ] means optional parameter
/view_dict 100 dict def view_dict begin
% default settings
/output_name () def             % printing immediately to the printer OR
%/output_name (!ps_vie.jep) def % printing to the file
/restart_name (! def % name of the restart file
/svga [(tvga) (tseng)] def      % TRIDENT OR TSENG
/printer_name (ljet3) def       % HP LaserJet III OR
%/printer_name (cdj550) def     % DeskJet 550c
/printer_x_corr 0 def           % | printer horizontal
/printer_y_corr -71 def         % | and vertical corrections
/page_string (%%Page:) def      % begin-of-page mark
/mag_factor 2 def               % MAG for the `m' command
/shift 4 def                    % SHIFT for the `l' `r' `u' `d' commands
/max_pages 256 def              % maximal viewable pages number
/line_length 2048 def           % maximal document line length in the `ap' comma
/letter {} def
/note {} def
/legal {} def
/a3 {} def
/ori_a4 /a4 load def /a4 {} def
/a5 {} def
/a6 {} def
/b4 {} def
/b5 {} def
/flsa {} def
/flse {} def
/halfletter {} def
/11x17 {} def
/ledger {} def
/BD {bind def} def
/XD {exch def} def
/LD {load def} def
/inch {72 mul} BD
/grid_wd 10 inch def
/grid_ht 10 inch def
/ori_run /run LD
/current_restart /restart_name LD
/current_output /output_name LD
/pages_array max_pages array def
/line line_length string def
/val_str 20 string def
/initials {/orig_x 0 def /orig_y 0 def
  /angle 0 def /trans_x 0 def /trans_y 0 def
  /hflip false def /vflip false def
  /curr_page 0 def /pages_count 0 def /curr_pos 0 def
  /document_dict 0 def /magnification 1 def} BD
/get_screen {currentdevice getdeviceprops] /screen_device XD
  /S_res screen_device 1 get def
  /S_size screen_device 3 get def
  /default_matrix screen_device 5 get def
  /screen_name screen_device 7 get def
  screen_name (tvga) eq
    {0.94 0.94 matrix scale default_matrix matrix concatmatrix
    /default_matrix XD} if} BD
gsave initgraphics default_matrix setmatrix
  clippath pathbbox 3 -1 roll
  sub /page_ht XD exch sub /page_wd XD
  page_wd grid_wd div /grid_h_scale XD
  page_ht grid_ht div /grid_v_scale XD
  grid_h_scale grid_wd mul 10 div /grid_h_step XD
  grid_v_scale grid_ht mul 10 div /grid_v_step XD
/page_begin {pages_count 0 ge pages_count max_pages lt and
  {pages_array pages_count last_pos put
  /pages_count pages_count 1 add def} {/overfull true def} ifelse} BD
/read_pages {gsave
  /moveto {currentdict /document_dict exch store stop} BD
  file_name (r) file /opened_file XD
  opened_file 0 setfileposition opened_file cvx stopped pop
  opened_file status {opened_file closefile} if
  clear cleardictstack view_dict begin
  view_dict /moveto undef
  /overfull false def
  file_name (r) file /opened_file XD
  opened_file 0 setfileposition
  {opened_file dup fileposition /last_pos XD
  line readline
    {/sub_line XD sub_line length  page_string length ge
    sub_line length 30 le and
    {sub_line 0 page_string length getinterval page_string eq
  {page_begin} if} if} {pop exit} ifelse} loop
  opened_file status {opened_file closefile} if
  {(Too many pages, only first ) print
  pages_count val_str cvs print
  ( pages are accessible.\n) print}
  {(OK, ) print
  pages_count val_str cvs print
  pages_count 1 eq {( page is accessible.\n)}
  {( pages are accessible.\n)} ifelse print} ifelse grestore} BD
/showpage {cleardictstack view_dict begin stop} BD
/do_run_file {/run_matrix XD
  curr_page 0 eq {/curr_page 1 def} if
  curr_page pages_count gt {/curr_page pages_count def} if
  curr_page 0 gt {pages_array curr_page 1 sub get /curr_pos XD} if
  /view_save save def
  document_dict dup type cvlit /dicttype eq {begin} {pop} ifelse
  initgraphics erasepage erasepage
  run_matrix setmatrix
  magnification dup scale
  orig_x grid_h_step magnification div mul neg
  orig_y grid_v_step magnification div mul neg translate
  hflip {[-1 0 0 1 page_wd 0] concat} if
  vflip {[1 0 0 -1 0 page_ht] concat} if
  angle rotate trans_x trans_y translate
  /view_matrix matrix currentmatrix def
  /initgraphics {view_matrix setmatrix} BD
  /initmatrix {view_matrix setmatrix} BD
  file_name (r) file /opened_file XD
  opened_file curr_pos setfileposition
  opened_file cvx stopped pop
  clear view_dict /view_save get restore} BD
/run_file {default_matrix do_run_file} BD
/printer_run_file {
  currentdevice getdeviceprops] /printer_device XD
  printer_device 13 current_output put
  [printer_device aload pop currentdevice putdeviceprops pop
  printer_device 5 get % printer default matrix
  [1 0 0 1 printer_x_corr printer_y_corr] matrix concatmatrix
  do_run_file} BD
FontDirectory/Qhvr-Digits known{/Qhvr-Digits findfont dup/UniqueID known{dup
/UniqueID get 0 eq exch/FontType get 1 eq and}{pop false}ifelse
{save true}{false}ifelse}{false}ifelse
7 dict begin
/FontInfo 6 dict dup begin
/version(1.000)readonly def
/FullName(Qhvr Digits)readonly def
/FamilyName(Qhv)readonly def
/Weight(Normal)readonly def
/isFixedPitch false def
/ItalicAngle 0 def
end readonly def
/FontName /Qhvr-Digits def
/Encoding StandardEncoding def
/PaintType 0 def
/FontType 1 def
/FontMatrix[0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0]readonly def
/FontBBox{0 -20 520 699}readonly def
currentdict end
currentfile eexec
/do_grid {
  72 72 scale
  0 setlinewidth
  1 0 0.8 0.4 setcmykcolor
  0  0 moveto 10  0 lineto
  0  1 moveto 10  1 lineto
  0  2 moveto 10  2 lineto
  0  3 moveto 10  3 lineto
  0  4 moveto 10  4 lineto
  0  5 moveto 10  5 lineto
  0  6 moveto 10  6 lineto
  0  7 moveto 10  7 lineto
  0  8 moveto 10  8 lineto
  0  9 moveto 10  9 lineto
  0 10 moveto 10 10 lineto
   0 0 moveto  0 10 lineto
   1 0 moveto  1 10 lineto
   2 0 moveto  2 10 lineto
   3 0 moveto  3 10 lineto
   4 0 moveto  4 10 lineto
   5 0 moveto  5 10 lineto
   6 0 moveto  6 10 lineto
   7 0 moveto  7 10 lineto
   8 0 moveto  8 10 lineto
   9 0 moveto  9 10 lineto
  10 0 moveto 10 10 lineto
  /grid_squ {
    gsave -0.05 -0.11 rmoveto currentpoint translate
      0.3 0.5 scale
      0 0 0 0 setcmykcolor
      1 setgray
      0 0 moveto
      1 0 lineto 1 1 lineto 0 1 lineto
      closepath fill
    grestore} def
  /Qhvr-Digits findfont 0.4 scalefont setfont
  0.2 1 0.8 0 setcmykcolor
  -0.6 0.3 moveto
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (0) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (1) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (2) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (3) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (4) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (5) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (6) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (7) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (8) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (9) show grestore
  1 0 rmoveto
  0 1 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (1) show grestore
  0 1 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (2) show grestore
  0 1 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (3) show grestore
  0 1 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (4) show grestore
  0 1 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (5) show grestore
  0 1 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (6) show grestore
  0 1 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (7) show grestore
  0 1 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (8) show grestore
  0 1 rmoveto gsave grid_squ (9) show grestore
} BD
/do_frame {
  /mm {25.4 div 72 mul} def
    0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto
    0 1 moveto 1 1 lineto
    0 0 moveto 0 1 lineto
    1 0 moveto 1 1 lineto
  } def
  0 setlinewidth
  1 1 0 0 setcmykcolor
  %gsave 210 mm 297 mm scale frame_squ stroke grestore
  gsave 6 mm 6 mm translate 198 mm 285 mm scale frame_squ stroke grestore
} BD
/a {/file_name XD
  /curr_page 0 def /pages_count 0 def /curr_pos 0 def /document_dict 0 def
  file_name status
  {pop pop pop pop (OK\n) print}
  {pop pop pop pop (File not opened\n) print} ifelse} BD
/ap {/file_name XD
  /curr_page 0 def /pages_count 0 def /curr_pos 0 def /document_dict 0 def
  file_name status
  {pop pop pop pop read_pages}
  {pop pop pop pop (File not opened\n) print} ifelse} BD
/rr {count 0 eq {/current_restart restart_name def}
  {/current_restart XD} ifelse current_restart status
  {pop pop pop pop current_restart ori_run} if run_file} BD
/pn {count 0 eq {(page ) print curr_page val_str cvs print (\n) print}
  {round cvi /prop_page XD prop_page 0 gt prop_page pages_count le and
  {save_state /curr_page /prop_page LD pages_array curr_page 1 sub get
  /curr_pos XD run_file} if} ifelse} BD
/n {count 0 eq {1} if curr_page add round cvi /prop_page XD
  prop_page 1 lt {1 /prop_page XD} if
  prop_page pages_count gt {pages_count /prop_page XD} if
  prop_page curr_page ne
  {save_state /curr_page /prop_page LD pages_array curr_page 1 sub get
  /curr_pos XD run_file} if} BD
/p {count 0 eq {1} if curr_page exch sub round cvi /prop_page XD
  prop_page 1 lt {1 /prop_page XD} if
  prop_page pages_count gt {pages_count /prop_page XD} if
  prop_page curr_page ne
  {save_state /curr_page /prop_page LD pages_array curr_page 1 sub get
  /curr_pos XD run_file} if} BD
/i {save_state
  /angle 0 def /trans_x 0 def /trans_y 0 def
  /hflip false def /vflip false def
  /orig_x 0 def /orig_y 0 def /magnification 1 def
  run_file} BD
/w {save_state
  /orig_x 0 def /orig_y 0 def /magnification 1 def
  run_file} BD
/g {gsave default_matrix setmatrix
  page_wd grid_wd div page_ht grid_ht div scale
  do_grid grestore} BD
/fr {gsave default_matrix setmatrix
  do_frame grestore} BD
/m {count 0 eq {(magnification ) print magnification val_str cvs print
  ( mag_factor ) print mag_factor val_str cvs print (\n) print}
  {/mag_factor XD} ifelse} BD
/s {count 0 eq {(shift ) print shift val_str cvs print (\n) print}
  {/shift XD} ifelse} BD
/v {save_state
  count 0 eq {0 0} if count 1 eq {dup} if
  /new_y0 XD /new_x0 XD
  /magnification magnification mag_factor mul def
  /orig_x orig_x new_x0 add mag_factor mul def
  /orig_y orig_y new_y0 add mag_factor mul def
  run_file} BD
/rot {save_state
  count 0 eq {1} if /angle_mul exch abs round cvi def
  /angle angle 90 angle_mul mul add def
  angle 360 ge {/angle angle dup 360 idiv 360 mul sub def} if
  angle   0 eq {0 0} if
  angle  90 eq {0 page_ht neg} if
  angle 180 eq {page_wd neg page_ht neg} if
  angle 270 eq {page_ht neg page_wd page_ht sub} if
  /trans_y XD /trans_x XD} BD
/ro {rot run_file} BD
/hf {/hflip hflip not def run_file} BD
/vf {/vflip vflip not def run_file} BD
/l {save_state
  count 0 eq {shift} if /orig_x exch neg orig_x add def run_file} BD
/r {save_state
  count 0 eq {shift} if /orig_x exch orig_x add def run_file} BD
/u {save_state
  count 0 eq {shift} if /orig_y exch orig_y add def run_file} BD
/d {save_state
  count 0 eq {shift} if /orig_y exch neg orig_y add def run_file} BD
/c {run_file} BD
/pr {count 0 eq {/current_output output_name def}
  {/current_output XD} ifelse /dev currentdevice def fr gsave
  printer_name selectdevice ori_a4 printer_run_file copypage
  grestore dev setdevice run_file} BD
/e {clear cleardictstack view_dict begin
  view_dict /view_save known {view_save restore} if} BD
/x {quit} BD
/write_str {restart_file exch writestring} BD
/write_num {val_str cvs write_str} BD
/write_restart {count 0 eq {/current_restart restart_name def}
  {/current_restart XD} ifelse /restart_file current_restart (w) file def
  curr_page write_num ( /curr_page XD\15\12) write_str
  angle write_num ( /angle XD\15\12) write_str
  trans_x write_num ( /trans_x XD\15\12) write_str
  trans_y write_num ( /trans_y XD\15\12) write_str
  hflip {(true)}{(false)} ifelse write_str ( /hflip XD\15\12) write_str
  vflip {(true)}{(false)} ifelse write_str ( /vflip XD\15\12) write_str
  magnification write_num ( /magnification XD\15\12) write_str
  orig_x write_num ( /orig_x XD\15\12) write_str
  orig_y write_num ( /orig_y XD\15\12) write_str
  restart_file flushfile restart_file closefile} BD
/q {write_restart quit} BD
/set_res {/scr_y XD /scr_x XD
  screen_device 3 [scr_x scr_y] put
  [screen_device aload pop currentdevice putdeviceprops pop
  false svga {screen_name eq or} forall {get_screen} if run_file} BD
/r640  { 640 480 set_res} BD
/r800  { 800 600 set_res} BD
/r1024 {1024 768 set_res} BD
/undo_stack [] def
/redo_stack [] def
/prepare_state {% -- prepare_state <array>
  [curr_page angle trans_x trans_y hflip vflip magnification orig_x orig_y]} BD
/save_state {% -- save_state --
  prepare_state /undo_stack put_state} BD
/restore_state {% <array> restore_state --
  aload pop /orig_y XD /orig_x XD
  /magnification XD /vflip XD /hflip XD /trans_y XD /trans_x XD
  /angle XD /curr_page XD} BD
/put_state {% <array> <literal> put_state --
  /stack_name XD
  stack_name load aload length 1 add array astore
  stack_name XD} BD
/pop_state {% <literal> pop_state <array>
  /stack_name XD
  stack_name load aload length 1 sub array astore
  stack_name XD} BD
/undo {count 0 eq {1} {dup 0 le {pop 1} if} ifelse round cvi /control_length XD
  undo_stack length 1 ge {
  1 1 control_length {pop undo_stack length 1 ge {prepare_state
  /redo_stack put_state /undo_stack pop_state restore_state} if} for
  run_file} if} BD
/redo {count 0 eq {1} {dup 0 le {pop 1} if} ifelse round cvi /control_length XD
  redo_stack length 1 ge {
  1 1 control_length {pop redo_stack length 1 ge {prepare_state
  /undo_stack put_state /redo_stack pop_state restore_state} if} for
  run_file} if} BD
/* /undo LD
/+ /redo LD
/wr /write_restart LD
view_dict begin

Srdecne zdravi
Karel Horak

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