LaTeX syntax checker Lacheck v 1.15

Petr Sojka sojka at
Thu Jan 13 17:19:27 CET 1994

Dobry den,
a na zaver neco jak pro msdosisty, tak unixisty: (unix)

Petr Sojka <sojka at>

From: abraham at (Per Abrahamsen)
Subject: ANNOUNCE: LaCheck 1.15 - Tool for checking LaTeX documents.
Date: 11 Jan 1994 04:14:32 GMT
To: tex-news at SHSU.EDU

LaCheck is a tool for finding potential errors in LaTeX documents.
LaCheck catches many errors LaTeX will ignore, and LaCheck generally
gives better error messages.  Think of it as lint for LaTeX.

LaCheck should work on any Unix system that `flex' has been ported to.
It may also work on other systems, I wouldn't know.  In particular, no
DOS binary of this version is available, but a DOS binary for version
1.8 is available.  LaCheck is available for anonymous ftp from:

file: /pub/TeX/LaTeX/lacheck.tar.gz	(Unix source for version 1.15)
file: /pub/TeX/LaTeX/	(DOS binary for version 1.8)

Here is the log of changes since version 1.8:
 * 04-Jan-1994          Per Abrahamsen
 *    Warn about newlines in \verb.  Suggested by Mark Burton
 *    <markb at>.  The LaTeX Book agrees (p. 168).
 * 10-Sep-1993          Per Abrahamsen
 *    Removed complain about missing ~ before \cite.  Requested by
 *    Nelson H. F. Beebe <beebe at>.  The LaTeX Book seems
 *    to agree.
 * 03-Sep-1993          Per Abrahamsen
 *    Check for illegal characters in labels.
 * 16-Aug-1993          Per Abrahamsen
 *    Recognize \endinput.  Suggested by Stefan Farestam
 *    <Stefan.Farestam at>.
 * 13-Aug-1993          Per Abrahamsen
 *    } was eaten after display math.  Reported by Eckhard R|ggeberg
 *    <eckhard at>.
 * 13-Aug-1993          Per Abrahamsen
 *    Recognize \verb*.  Reported by Eckhard R|ggeberg
 *    <eckhard at>.

Here is a list of the potential errors checked by LaCheck:
{ }                             % Unwanted space after `{'
{\em hello} world               % May need `\/' before `world'
{\em hello\/ world}.            % `\/' not needed before `world'
hello\/ world                   % `\/' not needed after `hello'
{\em hello\/}\/ world           % Double `\/'
{\em hello\/}, world            % `\/' before `,' or `.'
\[display math\].               % Punctuation mark after end of display math
$math.$                         % Punctuation mark before end of math mode
\begin                          % Missing argument for \begin
TAB	TAB                     % Tab in verbatim
\end                            % Missing argument for \end
a.k.a. world                    % Missing `\ ' after abbreviation
HELLO. World                    % Missing `\@' before `.'
hello~ world                    % Double space
$ + \ldots + $                  % Should be \cdots
$ , \cdots , $                  % Should be \ldots
$ + .. + $                      % Should be \cdots
$ , .. , $                      % Should be \ldots
hello world...                  % Should be ellipsis
\label{hello world}             % Bad character in label
Hello \ref{world}               % Missing ~
Hello \footnote{world}          % Whitespace before footnote
\above                          % Primitive in LaTeX
hello \rm{world}                % Font specifier with argument
\hello at world                    % @ in LaTeX macro name
hello ''world''                 % Quote begined with '
``hello`` world                 % Quote ended with `
world .                         % Whitespace before punctuation mark
world\]                         % Bad match
world|                          % multi-line \verb

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