XTEX release

Jiri Vondrasek TJEJV at aci.cvut.cz
Wed Feb 23 17:18:44 CET 1994

On Wed, 23 Feb 1994 16:05:52 +0100 (MET) Leo Hadacz said:
>>    - Tcl/Tk with TclX extensions
>Muze mi prosim nekdo rict, co to je a kde to dostanu? Dekuji.
>Leo <hadacz at math.muni.cz>
Cituji z pripravovane knihy J.K. Ousterhouta : TcL and the TK Toolkit
..Tcl and Tk provide a programming system for developing and using graphical
user interface (GUI) applications. Tcl stands for "tool command language" and
is pronounced "tricke"; is a simple scripting language for controlling and
extending applications.... One of the most useful extensions to Tcl is Tk.
It is a toolkit for the X Windows System....
Sehnat se daji zdrojaky pro nejruznejsi platformy z anonymous ftp:
PS. je to velmy vykonny nastroj a velmi jednoduse se pod nim programuji
X aplikace.

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