[cstex] drobne chyby pri pouzit casti kodu newspaper.sty priamo v tex subore

peter knezel peter.knezel at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 15:06:06 CET 2013


snazim sa pouzit cast kodu newspaper.sty priamo v tex dokumente,
ale vyskytli sa mi nasledujuce chyby:

a)po spusteni prikazu v cmd (windows xp, texlive 2012 z usb
kluca)f:\texlive\bin\win32\pdflatex.exe ex2.tex
dostanem chybu a program pokracuje az po stlaceni Enter:

) (f:/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/wrapfig/wrapfig.sty)

! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package color.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.17 \definecolor
                 {light-gray}{gray}{0.9} % Defines the color we're using for...


b) nadpis nie je vycentrovany ale posunuty doprava
c) vodorovna ciara za
\floweroneleft\floweroneright\floweroneleft\floweroneright je o nieco
kratsia ako ciara nad nimi a
neviem, cim je to sposobene
d) \fcolorbox{black}{red} mam posunuty a vycnieva mi na pravej strane

Mohol by mi s tym niekto pomoct?

Dakujem Vam za pomoc.



\usepackage{wrapfig} % Allows figures to go on the side of the page
with text wrapping around them
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % An easy way to get shaded boxes
\definecolor{light-gray}{gray}{0.9} % Defines the color we're using
for shaded boxes

%uasage of picinpar:

%%%%%%%%%  Front matter   %%%%%%%%%%

%---Note: next 3 lines are original ones - commented ouut and tried to use parts
%---from newspaper2.sty directly here
\hspace{0.2cm} \hrulefill}

``Everything about us.'' \end{center}}}}}\hfill%
\font\g=ygoth scaled 6000
\font\f=yfrak scaled 6000
\g K\f\accent19\g a H\f\accent19 \g\char16 ra
\raisebox{12pt}{\textbf{\footnotesize K\'ahira}}\\
{\small VOL.\MakeUppercase{\roman{volume}}\ldots No.\arabic{issue}}
\hfill \MakeUppercase{\small\it\@08-Feb-2013} \hfill
\hspace{0.2cm} \hrulefill}

text: the texwidth is =\the\textwidth


  \caption{Lorem ipsum}

...just started

Peter Knezel

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