[cstex] minipages nejsou VEDLE sebe, proc?

jirka.cech@gmail.com jirka.cech at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 14 14:40:23 CEST 2009


mam kousek kodu:

\item William R. Heffner \\ Associate Director \\
International Materials Institute \\ xyz University \\
  +1 (610)   \\
  \href{mailto: gagagag}{\tt  gagaga.edu}
\item Miroslav Vlacek \\ Professor of Chemistry  \\ University of bbb \
 +1 420 321 321 321 \\
  \href{mailto:nenene at yy.cz}{\tt tralalala}

\end{minipage} % konci prvni
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth} % tady zacina druha minipage

\item Miro Haluska \\ Visiting Professor \\ Micro- and Nano-Scale
Engineering \\ Eindhoven University of Technology \\
  +33232323 \\
  \href{mailto:M.yyy at tue.nl }{\tt M.yyy at tue.nl}
\item Andriy Kovalskiy \\ Research Associate \\ trebb University \\
+1 (484) 333-6928 \\
 \href{mailto:neco at .EDU}{\tt ceco at .edu}

A narozdil od sablony z ktere jsem to vybrakoval se mi to nechce
vysazet vedle sebe, netusim proc, zkousel jsem laborovat s sirkou
(0.4\textwidth) ale nic. Co delam spatne, pratele?


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