[cstex] Csplain, cslatex format for tetex in cygwin

Pavol Kucerak kucerak at centrum.sk
Tue Oct 9 16:24:00 CEST 2007

Dobry den.
Doplnil som si aktualny CSTex/base - ftp://math.feld.cvut.cz/pub/cstex/base/
 do Cygwin, aktualnej verzie tetex:

$ tex -version
TeX 3.141592 (Web2C 7.5.4)
kpathsea version 3.5.4

Pri pokuse o inicializaciu formatu pre Csplain, cslatex 
som neuspel. Pri pokuse o preklad prikladu vypise:

$ csplain pokus.tex
warning: Could not open char translation file `il2-cs.tcx'.
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4)
 file:line:error style messages enabled.
 %&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
(./pokus.tex The format: csplain <Sep. 2005>.
The cs-fonts are preloaded and A4 size implicitly defined. [1] )
Output written on pokus.dvi (1 page, 212 bytes).
Transcript written on pokus.log.

Teda asi treba tcx tabulku, a chcem mat kodovanie v cp1250 (win CE)

Prosim, kde najdem spravnu tabulku, a ktore subory treba upravit
pre generovanie formatu?


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