Fwd: UTF8 a plain; plain-->CSplain; LaTeX-->CSLaTeX

Zdenek Wagner wagner at cesnet.cz
Sun Oct 1 23:55:33 CEST 2006

Zapomnel jsem prehodit odesilaci adresu, takze jeste jeden pokus...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Zdenek Wagner <zdenek.wagner at gmail.com>
Date: 1.10.2006 23:54
Subject: Re: UTF8 a plain; plain-->CSplain; LaTeX-->CSLaTeX
To: csTeX at cs.felk.cvut.cz

2006/9/30, Jakub Šťastný <knava.bestvinensis at gmail.com>:
> Dekuji. Tak jsem to zas zkousel, no, dopadlo to tak, ze jsem radeji
> nainstaloval TeXlive, ktery se zrovna tak prihodne vyskytuje jak v Etchi,
> tak v Edgym...Tohle je defaultni stav:
>  csplain         pdfetex         -       -translate-file=cp227.tcx
> *csplain.ini
> pdfcsplain      pdfetex         -       -translate-file= cp227.tcx
> *csplain.ini
> cslatex         pdfetex         -       -translate-file=cp227.tcx
> *cslatex.ini
>  pdfcslatex      pdfetex         -       -translate-file=cp227.tcx
> *cslatex.ini
> Je to odkomentovane, ale o utf8 ani ň. Dole je s utf8 tento radek:
Byl jsem v Norsku mimo email, takze odpovidam az ted. Zde je moje
verze prepnuta na UTF8:

# - Czech / Slovak for ISO-8859-2 locale (see below for UTF8). Enable
# "by hand", not by "fmtutil --enablefmt", because definitions for
# ISO-8859-2 / UTF8 share the same name.
#! csplain      pdfetex     -     -etex -translate-file=cp227.tcx csplain.ini
#! cslatex      pdfetex     -     -etex -translate-file=cp227.tcx cslatex.ini
#! pdfcsplain   pdfetex     -     -etex -translate-file=cp227.tcx csplain.ini
#! pdfcslatex   pdfetex     -     -etex -translate-file=cp227.tcx cslatex.ini

# - Czech / Slovak for UTF8 locale (see above for ISO-8859-2). Enable
# "by hand", not by "fmtutil --enablefmt", because definitions for
# ISO-8859-2 / UTF8 share the same name.
csplain      pdfetex     -     -etex -enc csplain-utf8.ini
cslatex      pdfetex     -     -etex -enc cslatex-utf8.ini
pdfcsplain   pdfetex     -     -etex -enc csplain-utf8.ini
pdfcslatex   pdfetex     -     -etex -enc cslatex-utf8.ini

Zdeněk Wagner

Zdeněk Wagner

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