Jak na matematiku a zlomky?

Oldrich Svec - FSV oldrich.svec at seznam.cz
Sun Apr 9 16:32:09 CEST 2006

Dobry den.

Casto pisi matematicke vzorce. Protoze je chci mit na leve strane, tak 
je pisi pomoci "$" a ne "$$". Problem je v tom ze zlomky se pisi dost 
osklive... Jsou male a s okolnim textem se div neprelinaji. Viz ukazka. 
Mozna to delam uplne spatne.. nevite co s tim?

\lhead{\bfseries HW1}
\rhead{\bfseries  Oldřich Švec}
F_{sk} = 192kN\\
\gamma_f = 1.2\\
e = 200 mm\\
S275 => f_y = 275 MPa\\
F_{sd} =F_{sk}\times \gamma_f= 192 \times 1.2 = 230.4 kN\\
M_{sd} =F_{sd}\times L \times \gamma_q= 230.4 \times 0.2 \times 1.5 =
69.12 kNm\\
W_{y,pl} =\frac{M_{sd} \times \gamma_{M0}}{\chi_{LT}\times f_y}\\
=> IPE270\\
W_{pl.y}=484 \times 10^3\\
W_y= 428.9 \times 10^3\\
		In bending:\\
			$d/t_w = 219.6/6.6 = 33.27<72 \times 0.92 = 66.24 => Class I\\
		In compression:\\
			$33.27<38 \times 0.92 = 34.96 => Class II\\$
         	In compression:\\
                         $(b/2-r-t_w/2)/t_f = 4.824<9 \times 0.92 =
                         8.28 => Class I\\
A_{v,z} = 2214 mm^2\\
V_{pl,Rd} = \frac{A_{v,z} \times f_y}{\gamma_{M0}\times \sqrt 3} =
\frac{2214 \times 275}{1150 \times \sqrt{3}} = 305.67 kN\\
152.835kN < 230.4kN < 305.67 kN\\
\rho = ({\frac{2\times F_{sd}}{V_{pl,Rd}}-1})^2 = 0.258\\
W_W = 1/4 \times t_w \times d^2 = 79569.864\\
M_{v.cr} = \frac{W_{pl}-\rho \times W_W}{\gamma_{M0}} \times f_y =
\frac{484\times 10^3-0.258 \times 79569.864}{1.15\times 10^6} \times
275 = 110.83 > 69.12 kNm\\
$*\\Weld design:\\
$a_w = \frac{F_{sd} \times \beta_{w} \times \gamma_{MW} \times
   \sqrt{3}}{2\times (h_b - 2 \times t_{fb})\times f_u} 
=\frac{305.67\times 0.85 \times 1.5 \times
   \sqrt{3}}{2\times (270 - 2 \times 10.2})\times 275 = 4.92 mm =>

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