[tex-live] Open Font License 1.0 released (fwd)

Arnost Stedry arnost at cs.cas.cz
Fri Nov 25 12:37:39 CET 2005

problem gentia je v tom, ze tento font neni v zadnem pripade uplny a
vykazuje celkem dost odchylek od standardu.

hlavni problemy jsou asi tyto:

1. ma jen dva rezy (normalni a kurzivu)
2. kurziva nepokryva vsechny znaky ktere pokryva "roman"
3. znaky ve fontu jsou chaoticky pojmenovane
4. autor nekomunikuje

svoji podporu pro gentium dam samozrejme rad k dispozici (uz jsem to
jakymsi zpusobem i udelal), ale nevim, jestli je vhodne takovy font
vubec zarazovat do nejake distribuce


Zdenek Wagner wrote:

>Preposilam e-mail z listu TeXLive. Mam pocit, ze nekdo pouziva font
>Gentium. Co takhle nabidnout vytvoreni TeXove podpory pro pristi TL?
>Zdenek Wagner
>e-mail: wagner at cesnet.cz
>see also http://hroch486.icpf.cas.cz/wagner/
>         http://icebearsoft.euweb.cz
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 18:19:38 -0600
>From: Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org>
>To: tex-live at tug.org
>Subject: [tex-live] Open Font License 1.0 released
>FYI, as some of you know may already know, SIL has released the OFL
>version 1.0
>I have attached it, and their explanatory FAQ.
>In this version, they weakened the selling clause to be like of Vera for
>Gnome (can't sell by itself, but selling in conjunction with anything
>else, e.g., Hello, World, is ok).  Since this was deemed acceptable for
>Vera, I am going to presume it is acceptable here as well.  (I've asked
>rms and licensing at gnu.org for a ruling, but don't expect that to happen
>This seemed to me like the major stumbling block to the previous draft
>being a free license.  So my opinion of the moment, barring further
>input, is that this license is ok for TeX Live and other free software
>distributions.  Which means that we will soon be able to distribute
>Gentium, if we can create the necessary TeX support :).
>TeX Live mailing list

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