Omega-TeX / Lambda-LaTeX - UNICODE

Matej Cepl matej at
Fri May 2 23:52:27 CEST 2003

On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 07:18:55PM +0200, Jirka wrote:
>Perfektni tip! Pro moje ucely to plne postacuje, akorat to 
>pouziva AFM fonty a tak nevim jak to je s podporou japonstiny 

AFM fonty???? Co to je? AFM jsou metriky k Type1 fontům, ale jako 
samostatný název fontu jsem to ještě nepotkal.


Matej Cepl,
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
See, when the GOVERNMENT spends money, it creates jobs; whereas
when the money is left in the hands of TAXPAYERS, God only knows
what they do with it. Bake it into pies, probably. Anything to
avoid creating jobs.
    -- Dave Barry

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