Obrazky v LaTeXu

Matej Cepl ceplma00 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 13 19:02:13 CET 2002

On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 08:30:55PM +0000, "Jan Trmal" wrote:
> Je to mozne nejakou pohodlnou nebo snadno pochopitelnou cestou,
> pripadne je to vubec mozne ?  Dekuji Yenda

Myslím, že vhodná kobinace minipage je přesně to, co potřebujete
(já jsem s tím vyřešil tiráž v časopisu pro sbor -- mohu zaslat
na soukromou adresu, ale je toho tam víc, takže by se to luštilo
docela složitě).


Matej Cepl, ceplma00 at yahoo.com
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
We are told that [St. Anthony] once fell into dejection, finding
uninterrupted contemplation above his strength; but was taught to
apply himself at intervals to manual labour by a vision of an
angel who appeared platting mats of palm-tree leaves, then rising
to pray, and after some time sitting down again to work; and who
at length said to him, "Do thus, and thou shalt be saved."
	-- Life of St. Anthony

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