centrovanie v tabulke

Rudo Blasko beerb at frcatel.fri.utc.sk
Wed Mar 6 12:54:45 CET 2002

---Reply to mail from Erik Bartos about centrovanie v tabulke
> Zdravim!
> Zaujimalo by ma ako dosiahnut centrovanie poloziek vo fixne danej tabulke
> napr. pre pripad
> \begin{tabularx}{100pt}{|XX|}
> \hline
> a     &
> b     \\
> c     &
> d     \\
> \hline
> \end{tabularx}
> kedze automaticke centrovanie (c) nie je pouzite.
>   Erik Bartos

---End reply

ja pouzivam prostredie tabular*

a tam to funguje

 a     &  b     \\
 c     &  d     \\


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