jadetex, TeX capacity exceeded...

Robert NEDBAL robik at veverka.sh.cvut.cz
Sun Feb 25 06:43:07 CET 2001

dostal jsem se do problemu s jadetexem. Mam velice jednoduchy (par radek)
XML dokument ve stylu DocBook, ten prekladamu bud

$ jade -t tex -d /usr/lib/sgml/.../print/docbook.dsl first.xml
$ jadetex first.tex


$ db2dvi first.xml

bohuzel vysledek je pokazde stejny. TeX zhavaruje s hlaskou TeX capacity
exceeded, sorry [pool size=...]. Bohuzel i kdyz jsem v plainu uz cosi
napsal, vyresit tohle je nad moje sily.

pouzivam na linuxu

Prikladam obsah souboru first.xml.log:
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3) (format=jadetex 2000.7.13)  25 FEB
JadeTeX 1999/06/29: 2.7
LaTeX Font Info:    Try loading font information for T1+ptm on input line 1.
File: t1ptm.fd 1998/07/06 Fontinst v1.800 font definitions for T1/ptm.
File: isoents.tex

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=6080].
l.650 \expandafter\def\csname Entfrac16\endcsname

If you really absolutely need more capacity,
you can ask a wizard to enlarge me.

Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 640 strings out of 4994
 6076 string characters out of 6080
 111086 words of memory out of 350001
 9446 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+3836
 6843 words of font info for 19 fonts, out of 200000 for 1000
 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 1000
 15i,0n,39p,171b,115s stack positions out of 300i,100n,500p,30000b,4000s
No pages of output.

Pocitam ze budu muset zvetsit hodnoty v souboru texmf.cnf, ale vubec netusim
jak. A taky nechapu, proc to zhavaruje na jednoduchem dokumentu, kdyz jsem
drive texem vyrobil bez potizi dost komplikovane laborky.

Dekuji za kazde "nakopnuti" spravnym smerem.
Robert Nedbal

Robert Nedbal - Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
email: R.Nedbal at sh.cvut.cz             http://www.sh.cvut.cz/~robik/
          /* Debuggers are evil. Never ever trust them. */

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