footnotes pro kriticke edice

Petr Skoda skoda at
Fri Feb 23 03:11:50 CET 2001

Vazeni LaTeX-guruove, pomozte prosim kolegovi s nasledujici specialitkou
s kterou nemame nikdo zkusenosti (redefinice output routiny pro LaTeXove
makro a predefinovani stavajicich maker). Styl FNPARA je na CTANu, tem co
by potencialne mohli pomoc muzeme popr poslat cely konkretni
zdrojak. Kolega se ptal primo autora stylu, ale ten asi predpoklada ze je
to jednoduche ale prakticky to neumime .
Mohl by nekdo poradit, co nize jmenovane znamena a v kterou souboru se
musi co provest ? Popr odpoved smerujte i primo na kolegu, ktery
konferenci neodebira (had at

S diky za oba

*  Petr Skoda                         Tel   : (0204) 649201, l. 361     *
*  Stelarni oddeleni                          (0204) 620361, 620136     *
*  Astronomicky ustav AVCR            Fax   : (0204) 620250             *
*  251 65 Ondrejov                    e-mail: skoda at  *
*  Ceska republika                            pskoda at     *

Vazeni kolegove

 Obracim se na vas s nasledujicim problemem:
Pro chystanou publikaci kriticke edice potrebujeme uzit styl FNPARA, ktery
pise footnoty do radky za sebou. Pritom bychom ale v casti publikace
potrebovali prejit na normalni styl footnotu a prelozit vse naraz, protoze
jsou vzajemne provazane odkazama (proto nelze uplatnit jednoduchy
navrh autora stylu - viz prilozena ukazka z korespondence s nim). Take by
se hodila moznost povolit (alespon na vybranych mistech) predeleni
footnoty mezi nasledujici stranky. Problem zapnuti a vypnuti stylu muze
byt obecnejsi. Nejak to pritom asi jit musi, protoze v ukazce v "The Latex
Companion" od Goosense a kol. na str. 73 to tak je.
Nemate nejakou radu jak na to?

%%%%%%%%%%   Komentar autora stylu:

... if you look at the source code of EDMAC.tex I
think you will see some ideas which may contribute to a solution to your
difficulties (see ).  In particular,
note how to make modifications to the output routine so that several
different types of notes can be stacked at the bottom of each page.  You
could create a new type of footnote insertion that would obey the
formatting you need.  Then you can simply switch between the two types of
note.  The new non-para notes would be a separate sequence from the fnpara
ones, but I think that is what you want.

Perhaps even more simple:

1/ rename the footnote macros in fnpara.sty so that the names of the
footnote-creating commands are unique to the fn environment.  I.e.,
separate fnpara footnotes from ordinary ones.  E.g., make \@footnotetext
into \FN at footnotetext, and so forth.

2/ Make the fnpara version of \@makecol unique too, i.e., call it
\FN at makecol, for example.

3/ Save all the normal versions of the footnote commands under a unique
name, e.g., say \Normal at footnotetext, \Normal at makecol etc.

3/  Then make a boolean "normal-notes" switch and say

 if normal-notes
  let \@makecol = \Normal at makecol
  let \@makecol = \FN at makecol

in the output routine.

You can use your switch to change what the output routine does with notes.

Contrary to what the docs say, I think that fnpara footnotes can split
across a page.  I don't think Chris envisaged that this would ever be
necessary, and that explains his comment.

I've attached a newer version of fnpara.sty, called fnpara2e.sty, which
has some modifications by Bradley Smith.  None of the changes have any
impact on your problem, I think.

 Dominik Wujastyk

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