sazeni ve formatu a5

Miroslav Fikar fikar at
Wed Apr 11 10:54:12 CEST 2001

Dobry den,
mam nasledovny navod stiahnuty z internetu, ale neskusal som ho. Mozno
by Vam to mohlo pomoct. Zakladom su psutils:
Subject: Re: making A5 booklet, double sided
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 07:41:03 +0000 (UTC)
From: Tim Piessens <piessens at>
Organization: BELNET
Newsgroups: comp.text.tex

milan at wrote:

> Hello All!

> I've seen some discussions around here about the above topic, but with
> few details. I have fpTeX-0.3 installed on NT. It comes with 2up
> package, version 1.2, dated 93/01/28.

> First, I tried ps utils, with the command line:

> psbook | psnup -2 | pstops "2:0,1U(21cm,29.7cm)" >

> It did work, but what I did not like is that it rescaled all the fonts
> so that the output looked rather small and hardly legible.

I just made such a booklet using the following commands. :

In the preamble I put

To typeset the doc on an a5 paper

psresize -Pa5 -pa4 | psbook | psnup -2 >

It worked for me. You first scale the doc up with psresize and scale it
down when putting 2 pages together.
I once experienced problems with the margins but putting -Pa4 as an
option with psnup solved that.

Roman Porizka wrote:
> Dobry den,
> zajimalo by mne, jak se da nejak elegantne zaridit vysazeni nejakeho
> LaTeXoveho zdrojaku ve formatu a5.
> Moznisti jako je napr. zmensovani 2 a4 na jednu mi nepripadaji moc
> elegantni a chtel bych se zeptat, jak to zaridit jinak.
> Vim, ze v LaTeXu je volba a5paper, ale pokud vysledny dvi soubor prevedu
> do ps pomoci dvips -t a5, tak mi to zahlasi dvips: no match for
> papersize.
>                                 Dekuji za kazdou odpoved
>                                                 Roman Porizka
> --
>      @___,__
> jgs  (   ^'_]
>      //-\\'
>      ^^  ^^

Dr.Ing. Miroslav Fikar
Associate Professor, Department of Process Control
Faculty of Chemical Technology, Slovak University of Technology in
Radlinskeho 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
E-mail: fikar at, Url:
Tel: ++421(7) 59.325 354, Fax: ++421(7)

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