problemy s PS

Rudo Blasko beerb at
Tue Nov 14 11:19:25 CET 2000


mam urobene obrazky v prostredi picture a potrebujem ich vlozit do textu
(normalne ich vlozit nemozem, lebo su velke a LaTeX pri preklade hlasi
pretecenie pamate). Vkladam ich ako .ps subory (pricom orezem okraje
stranky). Potom to cele prelozim do .ps suboru.

Problem je v tom, ze ked si to pozriem pod DOS prehliadacom, tak ten
vysledny .ps subor vidim zobrazeny normalne, ale ked pouzijem GSVIEW32
ver 2.2 tak mi to hlasi chybu a nic sa neukaze. Ked pouzijem LINUX
prehliadac tak vidim prazdnu stranu.
Ked som celu tuto proceduru vykonal pod linuxom (vratane suboru .dvi)
tak situacia je podobna, DOS prehliadac to vidi normalne, GSVIEW32 hlasi
chybu a linux ukazuje prazdnu stranu.

Moze mi niekto poradit?
Ako prilohu posielam  subor.tex  subor, ktory vola dva krat
                      k_01.tex   subor, v ktorom je dany obrazok
                      chyba.txt  cast chyboveho suboru z GSVIEW32

dakujem         r.blasko

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  subor.tex  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%




\noindent \mbox{\epsfig{}}
\newline  \mbox{\epsfig{}}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  k_01.tex  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%





\put(75,10){\makebox(0,0)[c]{{\bf zlozity obrazok}}}



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  chyba.txt  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Displaying page 1
Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .installpagedevice
Operand stack:
--nostringval--  --nostringval--
--- Begin offending input ---
ndspecial eop
--- End offending input ---
file offset = 0
gsdll_execute_cont returns -15


Displaying page 1
Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .installpagedevice
Operand stack:
--nostringval--  --nostringval--

--- Begin offending input ---
5 -26 y(.)-245 -23 y(.)-245
-20 y(.)-245 -17 y(.)-245 -15 y(.)-245 -12 y(.)-245 -9
y(.)-245 -6 y(.)-245 -3 y(.)-245 0 y(.)-245 3 y(.)1103
-97 y Fa(zlozit)m(y)32 b(obrazok)p eop
userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
 @endspecial 483
--- End offending input ---
file offset = 27465
gsdll_execute_cont returns -15


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