mizeni poznamky pod carou z boxu

Petr Sojka sojka at informatics.muni.cz
Fri May 19 15:06:43 CEST 2000

On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 01:32:12PM +0200, Jiri Mikulasek wrote:
Krasny den!
> Chtel bych se zeptat na $subject. Kdyz prelozim v plainu nasledujici,
> \hbox{text\footnote{1}{poznamka}}\bye
> dostanu, co ocekavam, tedy
> text1
> ------
> 1 poznamka
> Pokud ale vlozim ten \hbox jeste do \vboxu, nebo pred nej napisu nejake
> slovo, vysazi se jen znacka a samotny text poznamky se na spodku stranky
> neobjevi.
> Mohl by mi prosim nekdo vysvetlit, proc se to deje a jak se to da eventuelne
> sofistikovane resit (krome toho, ze bych v boxech vysazel jen znacku a
> samotnou poznamku uvedl az za boxem)?

DEK na strankach 116 a 117 podava duvody a popis tohoto chovani;
"The \footnote macro should be used only in paragraphs or
hboxes that are contributed to TeX's main vertical list;
insertions will be lost if they occur inside of boxes that are inside of boxes."


"Authors who are interested in good exposition should avoid
footnotes whenever possible, since footnotes tend to be distracting."

"In such complex circumstances you might want to rethink whether
or not you are really using the most appropriate format for
the exposition of your ideas."

"If you really need a footnote in some caption, there's
a \vfootnote macro that can be used in vertical mode."

Pekny vikend

Petr Sojka

> Dekuji
> Jirka Mikulasek
> --
> Jirka Mikulasek - xmikulas at fi.muni.cz - http://www.fi.muni.cz/~xmikulas/

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