Vkladanie ps do tex

Alexandr Malusek malusek at hroch.ujf.cas.cz
Thu Dec 28 18:24:49 CET 2000

abas at mtf.stuba.sk (Marcel Abas) writes:

> > Radsi se napred zeptam, jste-li si jist, ze chcete vkladat PS a ne EPS
> > (Encapsulated PostScript) soubory.
> No neviem, ale tie subory, ktore vkladam su vytvorene programom dvips.exe a
> maju priponu ps.

Na pripone prilis nezalezi, dulezity je format souboru.  dvips pod
Linuxem (v SuSE Linux 7.0 mam verzi 5.86) ma volbu "-E", ktera
zajistuje generovani EPS souboru. dvips.exe to pravdepodobne umi take.
man dvips:

       -E     makes dvips attempt to generate an EPSF file with a
              tight  bounding  box.   This only works on one-page
              files, and it only looks at marks made  by  charac-
              ters  and  rules, not by any included graphics.  In
              addition, it gets the glyph metrics  from  the  tfm
              file,  so characters that lie outside their enclos-
              ing tfm box  may  confuse  it.   In  addition,  the
              bounding  box might be a bit too loose if the char-
              acter glyph has  significant  left  or  right  side
              bearings.   Nonetheless, this option works well for
              creating small EPSF files for equations  or  tables
              or  the  like.  (Note, of course, that dvips output
              is resolution dependent and thus does not make very
              good EPSF files, especially if the images are to be
              scaled; use these EPSF files with a great  deal  of

Zkuste vygenerovat a vkladat EPS soubory.

A. Malusek  (malusek at ujf.cas.cz)

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