TrueType -> Type 1

Pavel Janik ml. Pavel.Janik at
Mon Sep 7 17:53:36 CEST 1998

   From: Michal Kvasnicka <qasar at ECON.MUNI.CZ>
   Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 12:34:04 +0100


   > Podarilo se nekomu z vas rozchodit (nejlepe v Linuxu) konverzni
   > program z TrueType to Type 1 (postscriptu)?

ja jsem se o to zatim nepokousel, ale mam ve svem archivu nasledujici
programy (pouze nazvy, jiste je najdete):

1. Na je projekt FreeType, ktery je zameren na
vytvoreni `rasterizeru TTF fontu'. Pokud si stahnete verzi -full, tak
v contribu je program ttf2pfb.

2. ttf2pf v README uvadi:

% This is a PostScript program that reads a TrueType file and outputs
% a PostScript font (Type 42 + AFM).

3. ttf2pfa v README uvadi:

True Type to Postscript Font converter

My mind is still reeling from the discovery that I was able to write
this program. What it does is it reads a Microsoft TrueType font and
creates a Postscript font. '_A_ postscript font', that is, not necessarily
the same font, you understand, but a fair imitation.

4. ttf2ps v README uvadi:

True Type Font to Postscript conversion

1.  This program consists of several algorithms that convert True Type
Font (TTF) data points to Postscript (PS) data points, including
Elevation of Quadratic B-spline curve to Cubic B-spline curve
('Elevation') and Decomposition of Glyph into Separate Paths
('Decomposition').  They are described in greater detail else where.

5. ttf2pf1:

TTF2PT1 - A true type to Posscript type 1 Converter
Modification by Mark Heath.
Based on ttf2pfa by Andrew Weeks, and help from Frank Siegert.

6. ttfps:

TTF to Type 42 encoder

This little program reads a TrueType font file and produces a Type 42
font in PFA format as well as an associated AFM file.  The resulting
font file can be used with most programs that know about PostScript.

A to je vse. Jeste jednou musim zduraznit, ze jsem ani jeden ze
zminenych programu nepouzil (pokud potrebuji TTF, pouzivam
pdfTeX). Vse jsem zabalil a umistil na (~1MB) aby se
Vam to lepe hledalo. Uvitam jakekoli informace o Vasich zkusenostech s
temito programy.

P.S. Napiste mi prosim, k cemu to potrebujete - pokud jenom chcete
pouzit TTF v textu, muzete pouzit i radu jinych konvertoru -
napr. ttf2pk, ttf2gf apod.
Pavel Janík ml.
Pavel.Janik at

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