Konverze z AI do (E)PS

arnost arnost at uivt.cas.cz
Fri Jan 30 12:56:36 CET 1998

> Nekdo tu v diskusi podotkl, ze format AI je "vice strukturovany
>PostScript", ale blizsi specifikace chybela.

vyjimam z Adobe Illustrator File Format Specification:

An Adobe Illustrator document is a PostScript language page
description that conforms to the Adobe Document Structuring Conventions
Specification, version 3.0. Any PostScript language interpreter can execute
the page description to render the illustration on a display or the
printed page.

Adobe Illustrator uses a subset of the full PostScript language to describe the
graphic elements on a page. The subset is purely declarative; properly setting
the position or attributes of graphic elements on the page does not require
complex computation in the PostScript language. Pages expressed this way
print or image faster, and generally are smaller in size. The language subset is
defined in Resources (sometimes called Procedure Sets or proc sets), logi-cally
grouped together in the prolog with explicit methods for their initializa-tion
and termination.

ale na druhou stranu to neni encapsulovany PostScript:

Adobe Illustrator can store a document in encapsulated PostScript file (EPS)
format; however, its default format is not an official EPS format.

proto zrejme ten narust pri prevodu do eps.

>Nakonec jsem se pokusil podivat se na soubor pomoci GhostView a ten
>mi nahlasil chybu ve smyslu, ze nezna _E. Ohledanim souboru jsem zjistil, ze
>ona dvojice znaku se nachazi ne uplnem konci souboru tesne pred sluvkem end
>a jejim odmazanim vse najednou fungovalo.

Mne to nijak neprekvapuje. Videl bych to na problem na urovni
platformy. Napr. Ve specifikaci PostScriptu je, ze za konec
radku se berou vsechny tri mozne konce radku (tj. unixovy, dosovsky i
mackovsky). V realnem zivote lze potkat dokumenty (napr. produkovane
Pagemakerem 6.0) kde se opravdu vsechny tri typy koncu radku
vyskytnou. K naruseni takoveho souboru staci, kdyz s tim nejaky
program nepocita.

Zajemce odkazuji na citovany dokument nachazejici se na oblibene sajte Adobe:


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