Podtrhavani v LaTeXu

Petr Sojka sojka at daeron.fi.muni.cz
Tue Jan 28 20:27:47 CET 1997

"Rylek Tomas wrote:"
:     Vazeny pane kolego!
: >      Nevi, prosim, nekdo z Vas, jak se podtrhava souvisly text v LaTeXu?
: > Diky za odpoved, Rene.
: Existuje nejaky balik, ktery se jmenuje `ulem.sty'; ten se chvasta,
: ze umi (asi deseti zpusoby) podtrhavat, a to i s lamanim radku. Mel
: by byt k sehnani napr. na ftp.muni.cz nebo na sunsite.mff.cuni.cz,
: na mff.muni.cz to ma vyhodu, ze je mozno archiv prohledavat; takze
     ^^^ myslite ftp.muni.cz (alias ftp.cstug.cz?
: napr. napisete
:     quote site exec tex ulem
: a on vam vypise cesty, kde ten ulem je. Kdybyste ho nikde nenasel,
Asi takto:
$ ftp ftp.cstug.cz
Connected to anxur.fi.muni.cz.
220 anxur FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Thu Jan 26 14:28:02 MET 1995) ready.
Name (ftp.cstug.cz:sojka): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
230-   Vitejte na FTP serveru             Welcome to the FTP server of
230-          *******                             *******
230-    Fakulty informatiky                Faculty of Informatics
230-Masarykovy univerzity v Brne          Masaryk University  Brno
230-          *******                             *******
230-This FTP site is in Brno, Czech Republic, Europe.  The local
230-time is Tue Jan 28 20:24:10 1997.
230-You are user number 7 out of possible total of 20.  Your
230-hostname is anxur
230-All transfer to and from archive are logged. If you do not like
230-this then disconnect now!
230-Violators will have their entire domain denied access to this
230-If you have any problems please contact ftp-admin at informatics.muni.cz
230-*************** Searching through the whole archive
230-To search for a file of a given name in the complete archive listing
230-        quote site index string
230-where "string" is your search string. Note that this
230-will NOT work if you entered a `-' as the first character
230-of your password.
230-********* Searching through only TeX or UNIX part of the archive
230-       quote site exec tex string
230-       quote site exec unix string
230-Please read the file README
230-  it was last modified on Thu Mar  2 13:17:39 1995 - 697 days ago
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> quote site exec tex ulem
200-tex ulem
200-1995/12/18 |      20466 | ./CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/ulem.sty
200-1996/06/04 |         52 | ./CTAN/macros/latex209/contrib/misc/ulem.sty
200-1996/06/04 |         49 | ./CTAN/macros/plain/contrib/ulem.sty
200-1995/07/13 |       7317 | ./CTAN/systems/msdos/4alltex/disk04/ulem.zip
200-1995/07/13 |       7317 | ./CTAN/systems/msdos/4alltex/disk04/ulem.zip
200  (end of 'tex ulem')

Pristup je tez pres www, zkuste URL http://www.cstug.cz/cgi-bin/ctan?ulem

Petr Sojka

:                                                         Tomas Rylek
P.S. Je na sunsite plny mirror CTAN?

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