Texinfo a uvozovky

Milan Zamazal pdm at atys.fi.muni.cz
Tue Sep 17 13:27:26 CEST 1996

    PS: Neznam Vas czech.sty, ale problem je patrne s expanzi.

Je to ten z distribuce csplainu pro UN*X (verze 1.5, kolektiv autoru).

    PS: Zkuste treba:

    PS: \let\olduv=\uv
    PS: \def\uv{\noexpand\olduv}

Nepomaha. :-(  Chyba vypada dost podobne:

! Undefined control sequence.
\icrqq ->{\edef \iSF
                     {\spacefactor \the \spacefactor }\char 255 \iSF
\relax }
\closequotes ->\unskip \crqq
\uv@ ->\bgroup \aftergroup \closequotes
                                        \leavevmode \clqq \let \next =
<write> \secentry {Jak^^fd typ \olduv
t^^f8^^edd^^ecn^^ed by...
<inserted text>
\onepageout ...\hsize =\pagewidth \makefootline }}
\ifnum \ou...
l.1533 @enumerate

Milan Zamazal

Milan Zamazal
Student of computer science, Masaryk University, Brno, Moravia, Czech Republic
mailto:pdm at fi.muni.cz (MIME is ok)                  http://www.fi.muni.cz/~pdm
PGP public key: finger pdm at aisa.fi.muni.cz

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