warning: Checksum does not match

Hans GINZEL Hans at mail.kolej.mff.cuni.cz
Thu Nov 7 09:23:51 CET 1996

Josef Krob wrote:
> Dviwin je mnohem citlivejsi na chyby v bitmapach a pokud neco
> nesouhlasi tak font proste nepouzije anebo uplne vytuhne :-( (dviscr
> vyuzije substituci nabidne nejblizsi mozny apod.) Reseni tedy
> spociva v novem vygenerovani bitmap.

DviWin umi take substituovat! Staci mit soubor DviWin.sub v adresari
s fonty, kt. je v DviWinu nastaveny (napr. G:\EMTeX\Fonts\Pixel.lj).
Soubor ma obdobnou strukturu, jako
substitucni soubor pro Mattesovy ovladace.

Umi pouzit nejblizsi mozny font -- viz vypis z DviWin log souboru:
Opening c:\tex\kalkul.dvi
(1 pages)
Substituting csr17 at 622 dpi by csr17 at 432 dpi from

Je tu ale take jiny problem: chyba v zaokrouhlovani:
Pouzivam-li font csr8 zmenseny na 7pt a prohlizim-li to v rozliseni 300
potrebuji font csr8 v rozliseni 300*7/8=262.5 dpi. DviScr hleda font v
..\DPI263, kdezto DviWin v \DPI262.

Prikladam kus z helpu k DviWinu:

The program first searches for a font in all font libraries; then it
looks for PK files. If it still cannot find the font, it will try
neighboring resolutions. It will also try to find the file "dviwin.sub"
in the font base directory; that file lets you specify which font to
open if it cannot find the desired font; the format of this file is
quite simple. A sample line might be:

 cmbx10   58    ->   cmbx6   100

This line instructs the program to use the font cmbx6.pk at 100 dpi if
it cannot find the font cmbx10.pk at 58 dpi. You can also substitute an
entire font family with another. If for example you do not want to store
the cmdunh10 family, you can specify:

 cmdunh10   ->   cmr10

This instructs the driver to use the font cmr10 (at the appropriate
resolution) if it cannot find the font cmdunh10.There is also a new
substitution format dealing with devices with non-square pixels. If for
example you use a 9-pin printer at 120x144dpi mode but do not have the
cmu10 font at the appropriate resolution, you could specify:

 cmu10 120 144  ->  cmu10 121 121

 which instructs dviwin to use the 121x121dpi font instead of the one
requested by TeX. I would not recommend any such substitutions though:
this method is provided only for the sake of completeness.

If the program cannot find a requested font either directly or through
substitutions, it searches the substitution file for an entry of the

 default  ->  xxxx

This entry instructs dviwin to use the font xxxx if it cannot find any
other font. The general idea is to produce some (not necessarily
correct) output if a font is missing. The sample substitution file uses
cmr10 as the default font, but you can specify any font that you like.

You can also use comments in the font substitution file: everything
after a percent mark (%) is ignored. Finally note that font
substitutions may let you view a document even when you don't have the
appropriate fonts, but the results will not be visually pleasing. It is
a good idea to check the log file for any font substitutions if you ever
see anything wrong about the fonts in your document.

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  Hans GINZEL                  /|   Kolej 17. listopadu
  Hans at kolej.mff.cuni.cz      / /   Pokoj: B509 (l.761)

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