
Pavel Pinkas pinkasp at
Mon May 6 18:58:31 CEST 1996

> Ahoj vsichni,
> nevite nahodou, prosim Vas, nekdo, jak se da zaridit, aby se text pri
> zapisovani do sloupcu zarovnaval nasledujicim zpusobem:
> 1.sloupec              2.sloupec         3.sloupec
> Tento text             je psan           presne v tomto poradi
>                                          ale tato cast musi zustat
>                                          ve tretim sloupecku-az ted
> budu                   dale              pokracovat
> Doufam ze              timto problemem   nikomu nezpusobim velke
>                                          casove problemy
> Predem                 moc               dekuji
> Petr Honig

Snad se nepletu, ale to by slo snadno vyresit v LaTeXu pomoci


Zkuste se inspirovat timto neumelym dilkem:

\multicolumn{3}{c}{} \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{{\normalsize {\sc \underline{Education}}}} \\
\multicolumn{3}{c}{} \\
{\bf School} & {\bf Years} &  \\
High School (Chemistry-Industrial High School) & \years{1983}{1987} &
leaving examination from Czech language and literature, Russian language
and literature, chemistry and mathematics \\
Undergraduate study (Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, Faculty of
Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering) &
\years{1987}{1992} & state examination from separation processes,
chemical reactors and system engineering, Master Thesis {\em
Dynamic Behaviour in the Cascade of CSTR's} (in English)\\
Graduate study (Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, Faculty of
Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, group of
Reaction Kinetics) & \years{1992}{1996} &
PhD Thesis: {\em Dynamic Behaviour of Heterogeneous Catalytic
Reactors} \\

Pokud nejde o LaTeX, pak jsem realy sorry.

|                           Ing. Pavel Pinkas                                 |
| Office:                                  |  Private:                        |
|       PICT Prague                        |         Radlik 81                |
|       Institute of Chemical Engineering  |         post Jilove u Prahy      |
|       Technicka 5, Prague 6, 166 28      |         254 01                   |
|       email: pinkasp at            |         Czech Republic           |
|       phone: +42-2 24 35 31 08           |         - no phone -             |
Date: Tue, 7 May 1996 14:36:34 +0200
From: Anton Surda <fyzisurd at>
Subject: Re: tabulka
To: csTeX at
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL24 ME7]
MIME-Version: 1.0
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> Ahoj vsichni,
> nevite nahodou, prosim Vas, nekdo, jak se da zaridit, aby se text pri
> zapisovani do sloupcu zarovnaval nasledujicim zpusobem:
> 1.sloupec              2.sloupec         3.sloupec
> Tento text             je psan           presne v tomto poradi
>                                          ale tato cast musi zustat
>                                          ve tretim sloupecku-az ted
> budu                   dale              pokracovat
> Doufam ze              timto problemem   nikomu nezpusobim velke
>                                          casove problemy
> Predem                 moc               dekuji
> Petr Honig

V plaine treba dat do tretieho stlpca hlavicky
\vtop{\hsize=? parindent0pt \strut#\strut}

Ak sa predtym pouzil \offinterlineskip treba este vo vtope nastavit spravne
vzdialenosti medzi riadkami. Na to je najlepsi prikaz \normalbaselines
ktory vsak treba aj spravne nakrmit. Napr. miesto \baselineskip=? pouzit
\normalbaselineskip=? \normalbaselines.

Anton Surda

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