Stanoveni delky odstavce

Stanislav Brabec utx at
Mon Oct 23 13:38:17 CET 1995

Vá¾ený pøíteli,

chcete-li  sázet  atypické (ètvercové) odstavce, vøele doporuèuji vyzkou¹et
skvìlá makra Donalda Arsenaua shapepar.sty.

Dìlá to pomocí nìkolikakrokových aproximací. Sází dlouho, ale dobøe. Poèítá
to jakési kvadratické aproximace a má to asi 40kB.


(dvi2tty to sice trochu (hodnì) zvoral, ale pro ilustraci to staèí)

               Look    at         heartshape
             and  find  the twosbpecifiers at the
            beginning;  find the j a few lines be-
            low.  Notice that above the j there are
            two segments per line, but only one be-
            low it; the text to the left and right
              of the join meet at the join point:
                20.   I  drew this  heart free-
                  hand,  and measured lengths
                    from  the  sketch,  so
                      you should be able
                        to  do  bet-

             Text can have holes.  For example,
            a doughnut-shape would have a b on the
           first line, followed by some lines with a
         single t, then a line with t s t at the start
        of the hole.  The hole is represented by lines
      with two t specs--the gap between them is the hole.
      A line with t j t ends         the hole.  There are
     more  lines  with                 single t, and then
   an e line to end                      with.    Our  fi-
  nal example is a                        nut.  Not a dough-
 nut, but a hex-nut                       (for   a   machine
screw)  --  a  regu-                       lar hexagon with a
 circular  hole  in                        the center.   The
  hexagon is flat on                      top and bottom so
   the specification                     begins  and  ends
     like  the  square                shape.  The circle
      is rendered as a 24-        gon,  beginning  with
       a split (s) of the surrounding text and ending
         with a join (j).  If the spacing of the scan
          lines looks odd, it is because the hexagon
           alone would need few scans, but the cir-
            cle needs many;  the points on the
             circle are at 15 degree intervals.


(asi jsou na CTANu, mo¾ná i jinde)

-- Stanislav Brabec

P.S.: Co v¹echno asi je¹tì ten TeX umí!!!

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