XTeXShell-0.91 (neni to horka novinka!)

Jan Kucera kucera at fzu.cz
Mon Mar 13 21:29:08 CET 1995

Umistil jsem na serveru ftp.fzu.cz v adresari /linux/xtexsh:

xtexsh-cz						11. brezna 1995
V tomto adresari naleznete jednak program XTeXShell ve verzi 0.91, vytvoreny
Michaelem T. Hofmannem (hofmann at vipmzw.physik.uni-mainz.de), stazeny z

tsx-11.mit.edu: pub/linux/packages/TeX,

jednak editor z tehoz programu, rozsireny o ceskou klavesnici (v kodovani
ISO-Latin 2, vice mene shodnou s klavesnici pro konzoli a xterm z baliku

czech.0.12, ftp.muni.cz:/pub/UNIX/localization/linux

(klavesnice se prepina tlacitkem Pause/Break). K provozu XTeXShellu
potrebujeme Tcl/Tk a rozsireni Tclx, ktere muzeme ziskat z disket rady "tcl"
baliku Slackware. O XTeXShellu autor pise:


XTeXShell was written for all those people who love TeX, but hate the
awkward way of handling it.  The idea was to develop a system independent
X-Windows shell, where you don't need to care about program calls, operating
system dependencies and other stuff.  Instead, you should have all the power
and time to concentrate on the real task: producing high quality documents
with (still) the best typesetting system for computers: Donald Knuth's TeX
with Leslie Lamport's LaTeX extensions.


   - Hyper-text Help: XTeXShell includes a hyper-text help system for
     LaTeX commands
   - Interactive editor: The system includes a powerful, interactive
     full-screen text editor.
   - XTeXShell also supports your favorite editor (emacs, joe, xedit,...)
   - Widget support: Frequently used functions like TeX, dvips or
     spell checking your file can be started with a single mouse click


Upozorneni: Jedna se o beta software, takze zatim neposkytuje vsechny
ocekavane moznosti ci se nechova zcela standardne (operace s bloky).

Postup instalace:

1) Nainstalujeme podle navodu XTeXShell (autor doporucuje rozbalit
   xtexsh.tgz v adresari /usr/local/src). Vyzkousime. Mame-li Slackware 2.1,
   budeme patrne muset prvni radku v souboru xtexsh zmenit na

#!/usr/bin/wishx -f

2) V temz adresari, v nemz jsme instalovali XTeXShell, rozbalime i archiv
   "xtexshcz". Odstranime puvodni soubor edit.tcl a prejmenujeme soubor
   "edit.tcl.czech" na "edit.tcl"

3) V souboru setup nahradime puvodni "edit_font" svym oblibenym fontem v
   kodovani ISO-8859-2. Pro vsechny pripady jsem pripojil zdrojaky fontu

4) Muzeme zacit pracovat.

5) Pokud nam dana klavesnice nevyhovuje, je snadne ji v "edit.tcl"

6) Na nizkou kvalitu programovani si lze stezovat na nadrazi Praha-Tesnov.

Jan Kucera
kucera at fzu.cz

Vsechny zdravim a preji prijemne TeXovani!


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