plny CTAN na

Petr Sojka sojka at
Sat Jan 21 23:34:20 CET 1995


prave se dozrcadlil plny CTAN z na
na novy disk, ktery zakoupil CSTUG (v predchozich letech byla zrcadlena
jen jeho cast, stejne jako public archiv CSTUGu, na disk Fakulty
informatiky MU). Disk je pristupny pres URL

README z /pub/tex:

This part of archive        Tato cast archivu na
is entirely devoted                     je venovana cele sazecimu systemu
to the prof. Knuth's program TeX        TeX prof. Knutha
and relevant problematics               a relevantni problematice
(high quality typesetting,              kvalitni sazeci systemy, typografie
postscript, fonts, etc.).               fonty atd.
It resides on a 2GB                     Nachazi se na 2GB disku zakoupenem
disk donated and owned by CSTUG.        Sdruzenim uzivatelu TeXu CSTUG.

Archive has 2 main parts--              Archiv ma 2 casti:

CTAN                                    CTAN
this subdirectory is a full mirror of   v tomto adresari najdete plnou kopii
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network       archivu s nazvem vlevo.
(finger ctan_us at for list   Pro seznam stroju zapojenych
of CTAN sites).                         do tohoto projektu
                                        finger ctan_us at

local                                   local
In this directory is a collection       tady najdete soubory jez
of files
-- originated locally                   -- maji puvod v CZ+SK
-- relevant to the work of CSTUG        -- tykaji se CSTUGu
   (Czech and Slovak TeX Users Group)      archiv cstugu, distribuce cstex
   e.g. cstex distribution etc.            ap.
-- files not covered in CTAN            -- soubory, co se uz na CTAN nedostaly

Enjoy!                                  AHOJ!

                        Petr Sojka <sojka at>

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