ISO 8859-2 (kde ziskat oficialni informace)

Lukas Petrlik luki at
Tue Feb 28 13:08:21 CET 1995

> Omlouvam se, ze otravuji s takovou ptakovinou, ale potreboval bych
> zjistit, zda existuje nejaky oficialni zdroj (pokud mozno nepapirovy) ktery
> definuje jak doopravdy vypada ISO 8859-2. Setkal jsem se totiz s nekolika
> ruznymi "vylepsenimi" a rad bych vedel jak je to dopravdy.
> ---------------------------------------------- Petr Holecek ----------
>                                                hol at

Existuje CSN 36 9103, ktera ISO L2 popisuje (v tabulce grafickych
reprezentaci znaku je ale chyba). Zajimave je take RFC 1345.

Pro zajimavost zasilam cast tabulky ISO L2, kterou na pozadani vypisuje
GNU recode (recode -lf l2).

dec  oct hex    ch   ISO_8859-2:1987

 ( 0 - 127 vynechano, je to stejne jako ASCII )
128  200  80    PA   padding character (pad)
129  201  81    HO   high octet preset (hop)
130  202  82    BH   break permitted here (bph)
131  203  83    NH   no break here (nbh)
132  204  84    IN   index (ind)
133  205  85    NL   next line (nel)
134  206  86    SA   start of selected area (ssa)
135  207  87    ES   end of selected area (esa)
136  210  88    HS   character tabulation set (hts)
137  211  89    HJ   character tabulation with justification (htj)
138  212  8a    VS   line tabulation set (vts)
139  213  8b    PD   partial line forward (pld)
140  214  8c    PU   partial line backward (plu)
141  215  8d    RI   reverse line feed (ri)
142  216  8e    S2   single-shift two (ss2)
143  217  8f    S3   single-shift three (ss3)
144  220  90    DC   device control string (dcs)
145  221  91    P1   private use one (pu1)
146  222  92    P2   private use two (pu2)
147  223  93    TS   set transmit state (sts)
148  224  94    CC   cancel character (cch)
149  225  95    MW   message waiting (mw)
150  226  96    SG   start of guarded area (spa)
151  227  97    EG   end of guarded area (epa)
152  230  98    SS   start of string (sos)
153  231  99    GC   single graphic character introducer (sgci)
154  232  9a    SC   single character introducer (sci)
155  233  9b    CI   control sequence introducer (csi)
156  234  9c    ST   string terminator (st)
157  235  9d    OC   operating system command (osc)
158  236  9e    PM   privacy message (pm)
159  237  9f    AC   application program command (apc)
160  240  a0    NS   no-break space
161  241  a1    A;   latin capital letter a with ogonek
162  242  a2    '(   breve
163  243  a3    L/   latin capital letter l with stroke
164  244  a4    Cu   currency sign
165  245  a5    L<   latin capital letter l with caron
166  246  a6    S'   latin capital letter s with acute
167  247  a7    SE   section sign
168  250  a8    ':   diaeresis
169  251  a9    S<   latin capital letter s with caron
170  252  aa    S,   latin capital letter s with cedilla
171  253  ab    T<   latin capital letter t with caron
172  254  ac    Z'   latin capital letter z with acute
173  255  ad    --   soft hyphen
174  256  ae    Z<   latin capital letter z with caron
175  257  af    Z.   latin capital letter z with dot above
176  260  b0    DG   degree sign
177  261  b1    a;   latin small letter a with ogonek
178  262  b2    ';   ogonek
179  263  b3    l/   latin small letter l with stroke
180  264  b4    ''   acute accent
181  265  b5    l<   latin small letter l with caron
182  266  b6    s'   latin small letter s with acute
183  267  b7    '<   caron
184  270  b8    ',   cedilla
185  271  b9    s<   latin small letter s with caron
186  272  ba    s,   latin small letter s with cedilla
187  273  bb    t<   latin small letter t with caron
188  274  bc    z'   latin small letter z with acute
189  275  bd    '"   double acute accent
190  276  be    z<   latin small letter z with caron
191  277  bf    z.   latin small letter z with dot above
192  300  c0    R'   latin capital letter r with acute
193  301  c1    A'   latin capital letter a with acute
194  302  c2    A>   latin capital letter a with circumflex
195  303  c3    A(   latin capital letter a with breve
196  304  c4    A:   latin capital letter a with diaeresis
197  305  c5    L'   latin capital letter l with acute
198  306  c6    C'   latin capital letter c with acute
199  307  c7    C,   latin capital letter c with cedilla
200  310  c8    C<   latin capital letter c with caron
201  311  c9    E'   latin capital letter e with acute
202  312  ca    E;   latin capital letter e with ogonek
203  313  cb    E:   latin capital letter e with diaeresis
204  314  cc    E<   latin capital letter e with caron
205  315  cd    I'   latin capital letter i with acute
206  316  ce    I>   latin capital letter i with circumflex
207  317  cf    D<   latin capital letter d with caron
208  320  d0    D/   latin capital letter d with stroke
209  321  d1    N'   latin capital letter n with acute
210  322  d2    N<   latin capital letter n with caron
211  323  d3    O'   latin capital letter o with acute
212  324  d4    O>   latin capital letter o with circumflex
213  325  d5    O"   latin capital letter o with double acute
214  326  d6    O:   latin capital letter o with diaeresis
215  327  d7    *X   multiplication sign
216  330  d8    R<   latin capital letter r with caron
217  331  d9    U0   latin capital letter u with ring above
218  332  da    U'   latin capital letter u with acute
219  333  db    U"   latin capital letter u with double acute
220  334  dc    U:   latin capital letter u with diaeresis
221  335  dd    Y'   latin capital letter y with acute
222  336  de    T,   latin capital letter t with cedilla
223  337  df    ss   latin small letter sharp s (german)
224  340  e0    r'   latin small letter r with acute
225  341  e1    a'   latin small letter a with acute
226  342  e2    a>   latin small letter a with circumflex
227  343  e3    a(   latin small letter a with breve
228  344  e4    a:   latin small letter a with diaeresis
229  345  e5    l'   latin small letter l with acute
230  346  e6    c'   latin small letter c with acute
231  347  e7    c,   latin small letter c with cedilla
232  350  e8    c<   latin small letter c with caron
233  351  e9    e'   latin small letter e with acute
234  352  ea    e;   latin small letter e with ogonek
235  353  eb    e:   latin small letter e with diaeresis
236  354  ec    e<   latin small letter e with caron
237  355  ed    i'   latin small letter i with acute
238  356  ee    i>   latin small letter i with circumflex
239  357  ef    d<   latin small letter d with caron
240  360  f0    d/   latin small letter d with stroke
241  361  f1    n'   latin small letter n with acute
242  362  f2    n<   latin small letter n with caron
243  363  f3    o'   latin small letter o with acute
244  364  f4    o>   latin small letter o with circumflex
245  365  f5    o"   latin small letter o with double acute
246  366  f6    o:   latin small letter o with diaeresis
247  367  f7    -:   division sign
248  370  f8    r<   latin small letter r with caron
249  371  f9    u0   latin small letter u with ring above
250  372  fa    u'   latin small letter u with acute
251  373  fb    u"   latin small letter u with double acute
252  374  fc    u:   latin small letter u with diaeresis
253  375  fd    y'   latin small letter y with acute
254  376  fe    t,   latin small letter t with cedilla
255  377  ff    '.   dot above

Lukas Petrlik <luki at>

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