informace i 4allTeX CD-ROM (3 edition) a moznostem jeho objednani (plus knih od A-W) (plus knih od A-W)

Petr Sojka sojka at
Tue Aug 1 21:05:59 CEST 1995


oblibeny CD-ROM (nyni vlastne jiz dvojice CD-cek) 4allTeX
s plug&play distribuci TeX pod dos&os/2 byl vydan jiz v
tretim vydani s posledni distribuci emtex (jiz ne beta)
a latexu z jun-95, s 170 strankovym manualem. CD-ROM
jiz obsahuje nektere dokumenty pripravovane v ramci projektu
TeXove dokumentace TeX-ART (MAPS, Baskerville, TeXHAX).

CSTUG nabizi svym clenum jejich dovoz z Holandska (EuroTeXu'95) za cenu 600,- Kc
(coz je mene nez ofic. cena 60 Dfl \approx 39 USD),
t.j. k lokalnimu rozeslani z CR po 10.9.95
Zavazne objednavky formou aviza zaslani vyse zmineneho obnosu na
konto CSTUG posilejte pani Olsakove <olsakova at>
ci na adresu CSTUG, odkud obdrzite prip. dalsi informace o moznostech platby
(slozenka, cisla pro bank. prevod, prip pro-forma fakturu).
Dale je tu moznost znovu uvazit objednavku knih od A-W
(seznam je v poslednim cisle CSTUG bulletinu), ktere budou
hromadne dovezeny a placeny taktez.

Petr Sojka

4allTeX: NTG's TeX distribution for DOS and OS/2 machines
===================Version 3=Version 3===================

The THIRD version of the NTG cdrom and the floppy distibution
is now available!
And we have STILL the FIRST PLUG and PLAY TeX distribution for MSDOS
PCs. Our CD's also run on OS/2, and large parts of them are useful for
other platforms like Unix.

A TWO-CD release with on the first CD-ROM the complete 4TeX/4allTeX
workbench, based on emTeX. 'You name it, we have it' (more or less..)
And the 4TeX workbinch nicely integrates everything.
The second CD-ROM is loaded with TeX documentation: back issues of MAPS,
Baskerville, TeXHAX....

Find out more about it on the WWW server of the NTG (dutch TeX users group)

Included is an order form for the CD-ROMS. Shipping will start after the
TUG conference of Jul 24 to Jul 28.
The price of the CDROM includes an extensive 170 page users manual,
and includes shipping and handling, it is set on

     60 dutch guilders (present exchange rate USD 39)


The DISKETTE version of 4allTeX is part of the NTG 4allTeX CD-ROM,
but also works as a stand-alone system. Only one diskette is needed to start,
we offer a MODULAR and ready to run emTeX setup for DOS machines.

A ready to run emTeX is packed on 1 (ONE) high density diskette.

The system can be extended with a series of extension disks, which also
contain popular extensions like dvips, GhostScript, AMSpell and a series of
extensions to LaTeX and METAFONT. Note: Our floppy series does NOT
incorporate the FULL emTeX distribution. It is however compatible with its
directory structure.

New features:
* emTeX official release as of 4-Jul-95
* New directory structure according to emTeX structure.
* LaTeX2e Jul95 pl 1.
* updates to lots of other programs.

How to recognize:
Version 3 : ZIP archives, ZIP comment **** 4allTeX version 3 archive ****
Version 2 : ZIP archives. (which is a *obsolete* beta test version)
Version 1 : ARJ archives.


Where to get:

please do not slurp everything at once:
it has a reason why we made the effort to create a modular system......

  CTAN:/systems/msdos/4alltex  (in a short while)

Phons Bloemen                       
Information & Communication Theory group   Eindhoven University of Technology
Word(t) Klein Zacht Raampje Perfect voor '95?  Stap over! TeX & LaTeX & Linux

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