Prednaska 28.8.95 14:00 -- Trendy vedeckeho publikovani -- pripomenuti

Petr Sojka sojka at
Fri Aug 25 17:30:25 CEST 1995


pripominam pondelni prednasku P. Taylora z University London, UK
o trendech v publikacnich technologiich (elektronicke
Od predchoziho oznameni se meni mistnost oproti predchozimu
oznameni, vse ostatni zustava stejne (misto, cas, obsah i prednasejici).

Tesim se na shledanou
Petr Sojka

          Masarykova universita Brno, Fakulta informatiky
           Ceskoslovenske sdruzeni uzivatelu TEXu CSTUG

                 si Vas dovoluji pozvat na prednasku

             Computer Typesetting or Electronic Publishing?
                 New trends in scientific publication

                              kterou prednese

                  Phil Taylor, University of London

Prednaska bude venovana technologiim pocitacove sazby a novym technolo-
giim a standardum pro publikovani na siti Internet (HTML, PDF, Acrobat, roz-
sireni TEXu). Prednaska bude prednesena v anglictine bez tlumoceni a bude za-
koncena volnou diskusi.
   Abstract: Whilst computer (assisted) typesetting has completely replaced
   more traditional technologies such as hot lead during the last fifteen years,
   it too is now coming under threat from an even more radical technology
   in the form of electronic publishing (e.p.). Unlike both traditional and
   computer typesetting, e.p. avoids the use of paper completely and re-
   places it with a computer display. The potential advantages of e.p. are
   obvious: massive savings in cost, virtually instaneous transmission; but
   there are disadvantages too, such as the difficulty of avoiding unauthor-
   ised copying, plagiarism, and re-distribution. There are also fundamental
   philosoocal diffeeerences: whereas typesetting systems dictate the exact ap-
   pearence of the onished page, e.p. systems may allow a far more abstract
   representation, with the final appearance being left very much up to the
   viewer. In this paper, I will outline recent developments in both computer
   typesetting and electronic publishing, and compare and contrast the two
Prednaska se bude konat v budove Nejvyssiho soudu CR v Brne, Buresova 20,
v pondeli 28. 8. 1995 ve 14:00 hod v poslucharne FI MU s oznacenim I1 v pa-
tem patre budovy (mistnost 639).

                                Vstup volny
Phil Taylor je vedouci projektu e-TEX zabyvajiciho se rozsirenim sazeciho sys-
temu TEX. Pracuje ve vypocetnim stredisku Royal Holloway & Bedford New
College, University of London, UK.


Po prednasce bude moznost stat se clenem sdruzeni uzivatelu TEXu CSTUG,
levne zakoupit nove knihy o LATEXu a TEXu v cestine a ziskat informace
o podpore kvalitni typografie v CR a SR pomoci sazeciho systemu TEX.
Kontakt: CSTUG c/o MU UK, Sokolovska 83, 186 00 Praha,
email: olsakova at

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