inverze textu z AmiPro

Petr Sojka sojka at
Wed Oct 5 12:55:26 CET 1994

"Roman Plch wrote:"
: Zdar!
: Predem se omlouvam, protoze na obdobny problem jsem se jiz
: jednou ptal, ale nemuzu najit starou korespondenci.
: Mam ps soubor, vytvoreny v AmiPro a potrebuji jej inverzne
: vytisknout. Nemohu s v tomto postcriptu zorientovat.
: Diky.
: 		Roman
Protoze toto muze zajimat vice lidi a sirsi publikum, dovolim si
odpovedet v ramci relevantnich diskusnich skupin.
Pokusil jsem se o postscriptovy soubor (prilozen nize), ktery predefinuje
showpage tak, ze se kazda stranka odzrcadli (prip. jeste zazoomuje).
Casto napr. pri priprave sborniku (nas pripad) je k dispozici
jenom postscript soubor a navic z ruznych DTP systemu a je treba tisknout
zrcadlove na pauzak. Nepredefinovava-li nejak aplikace standardni
postscriptove showpage, nize zmineny soubor by mel fungovat pro libovolny

Hope helps
Petr Sojka <sojka at>

% This is file named
% Version V1.0
% Here is a quick hack to print documents created for one
% paper size on another
%       and
% to mirror the page.
% Note that if the sizes are not
% very close graphics will be distorted.
% Just add this as a prefix to your document.
% (To retain pagination control, it should come AFTER the
% %%EndComments line, preferably in the %%BeginSetup section.)
% Petr Sojka 10/03/94, sojka at
%  Revised 9/24/94  to handle mirroring of a page and zooming in one step
% James E. Burns, 1/21/93,  burns at (zooming version
%  Revised 11/16/93 to avoid unneeded dictionary entries
%  Revised 12/30/93 to handle any given page sizes
%  Revised 1/6/92   to suppress pagedevice commands that block this hack
%  Revised 1/7/92   Removed unnecessary dictionary entries

systemdict begin
    % This sets the transformation matrix to scale to the new page size.
    % Exactly two of the following lines should be uncommented.
    % The first size will be scaled to the second.
    595  842  % A4
              % 612 1008  % legal
              % 792 1224  % 11x17
              % 516  729  % B5
              % 612  792  % letter
              % 612  792  % lettersmall
              % 420  595   % A5
              % 729 1032  % B4
               595  842  % A4   % e.g. A4->A4 means no zooming
%   so we now have 4 numbers on the stack, let them call
%   a   b   c  d
%   a   b   d  c
    4 -1 roll
%   b   d   c  a
    div neg
%   b   d   -c/a
    3 1 roll
%   -c/a b   d
    exch div
%   -c/a d/b
    0.0 0.0 3 -1 roll
%   -c/a  0  0   d/b
    % For some documents, it might be useful to add some translation
    % (i.e., replace the following two values.)
    595 % the x-size is the default here for x-movement!
    0.0 % y-movement (in bp)
% that is, [-c/a 0 0 d/b 595 0.0] are the final concat parameters
%  dup == flush % (uncomment For testing)
  /concat load

% let add the above to the system dictionary  (patching the showpage command)
cvx dup exec
/showpage [ /showpage load 4 3 roll /exec load ] cvx
end % systemdict

% that is all

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